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gps firmware continuously updates

Used once since latest software update now gps firmware continuously updates over and over. Have no gps signal now. Please help.

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  • If you go to the about page what version does it show for the GPS.

    Try a couple of things. Remove any GCD files the Garmin\RemoteSW folder. 

    Delete the GarminDevice.xml and Device. Fit file from the Garmin folder. Power the Edge off and then back on. The two files you deleted will get recreated.

  • Thanks. This stopped the gps updating constantly but I still have no gps and will not connect to my phone. Connected to Garmin Express and it said it had GPS SOFTWARE update available. V4.8. Installed this and the constant gps updating returned. This comes up with update completed successfully then starts updating again. Software v9.73 . GPS v0.00? EPO is also missing? 

  • It sounds like the update is not correctly installing for some reason hence the GPS version of 0.0, which then triggers repeated tries.

    Try this version. Place it in the Garmin\RemoteSW folder

    You will need to unzip it as I could not attach the GCD without having the file extension changed.

  • So that I may assist you further, please reply with the following:

    1. May we, if necessary, have permission to email you?
    2. May we, if necessary, have permission to view/access your Garmin Connect account?
    3. In what country do you live?
  • Thanks again. There was a file there already with the same name. Deleted that one and replaced with yours. No change however?

  • I just need a yes or no to the questions above. You can also contact support directly using this LINK.  

  • Sometimes there's a couple of config files on the Edge that get corrupted that can block updates or report that updates are required when they've already been performed. 

    You could try backing up & deleting the & GarminDevice.xml files from the \Garmin folder & reboot your Edge, which will recreate these files & see if that solves your issue

  • Thanks. I have tried this. It stops the updating but still have no gps signal.  After reboot and connecting to Garmin Express the 2 files are back dated last modified 29-12-22 when the issue started.  Is this correct?  Maybe I am  ot doing something right. 

  • Hi. It usually recreates them with a new date though if you're not getting a gps lock it's possible that the date & time aren't getting updated on your device.

    Probably unrelated but the activity profile you have set isn't an indoor profile is it? As that will turn off the gps

  • The date and time are not updating.  No not set as indoor activity unfortunately.