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Zwift ride won't sync to Edge

Normally, my Zwift rides show up in Garmin Connect and then sync to the Edge 530 to update the Training Status. That status is then synced back and all is good. I can see the virtual rides in the Ride History on the device. This has worked fine for a long time.

Tonight, for some reason, I have a ride that shows up in Garmin Connect online and in the app, but it just won't sync to the Edge. It's not in the ride history and no matter what I do (reboot, restart the app, sync manually via Garmin Express), it just won't come over the Edge. I don't think there's anything special about the ride, just a Zwift workout (other workouts this week have synced fine).

Is there any way to force a resync, delete and reupload the fit file? Just want to get credit in my training status for the rides.