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530 wheel size calibration.

I have a new Garmin 530 with a speed sensor 2, software updates within the past few days. IT seems on the 530 they took away the manual wheel size calibration. I've looked through the manual and there is no mention of it. I've looked at the forum questions where they suggest Settings>Sensors>[speed sensor*]>sensor details - there is no listing of the wheel size there, only that it is synced through ANT+, nor does there seem to be a wheel size anywhere else in that menu heirarchy.

Did Garmin remove the ability to calibrate the wheel size on the 530? Is it something they did specifically for the speed sensor 2 (iow if I use a different ble or ant sensor, might the option show up)?

* On my unit the speed sensor shows up as SPD- (numerical ID)

  • The sensor has to be awake before you can change this setting.  Have you spun the wheel enough to wake the sensor?

  • It's there, it's just not visible until the sensor wakes up.  It's not just grayed out, it's not even there until the sensor wakes up, as  says.  It will appear in the menu for that sensor once it is active.

    I've also found that picking up the front of the bike and spinning the wheel doesn't always easily wake up the sensor, but simply walking/rolling the bike 10 feet (even at a slow pace) does.  Apparently spinning in place doesn't always cause a strong enough change in sensing magnetic field.  Much less frustrating to walk the bike a few feet and back to your work area.