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Strava Live Segments refusing to install on device

I'm once again on Strava premium but can't manage to get the EDGE 530 to take the live segments.

I've enabled Strava Live segments in, and can see the list of favourite segments that need to be synchronised. 

I then synchronise the EDGE 530 unit either via the Phone or Express app, but then the only message I get on the device is "segments deleted."

Refreshing the page shows it's set itself back to Garmin segments. I have to enable Strava Live segments again, but after a sync it's back to Garmin segments. The device does show "Strava Live Segments" under Training menu, but it's empty with just a message showing to go to

I'm currently on the latest beta but its been doing it since the last "stable" release. 

Anyone have some "trick" that helps?

Short of resetting and erasing the device, is there a way to backup the device's data pages and restore them after reset?

Thanks in advance.


  • Have you granted access to Garmin Connect from the Strava webpage?  Settings\My Apps.  

    Are the Strava segments of a flat or positive average gradient?  I think that Strava won't do live segments on downhill segments (negative avg gradient).  

    Is your Garmin Connect phone app set to use Strava segments?  Settings (3 lines)\Training\Segments then click the vertical 3 dots and check Strava.

    Maybe some of these things get set by making selections elsewhere, but those are some things I can think of.

  • Thanks @

    Yes, I have granted access to Garmin Connect from the Strava webpage.

    Yes, I have segments of a flat or positive average gradient. I can see all the strava segments listed in and Connect app.

    No, Garmin Connect phone app is set to Garmin segments, just like on website... however, if I change it to Strava segments, it will always default back to Garmin segments after a device sync. 

  • You can try the trick I use to install downhill segments...I think you can use this to install and use Strava Segments without even having a Strava account. The segment leadboard will not update on the device, but at least you should be able to get the segment on your device... 

    The one thing I find odd is that Strava is does not allow segments to be loaded using a 3rd party API to a Device where the segment has a downhill if it has a 0.25% loss in grade between the start and finish points. So, what that means is that a starred segment on a Strava Premium Account will not automatically upload to your Garmin device if the segment is downhill.

    However, if you want to have any “downhill” segment on a garmin device, all you need to do is:

    1. Go to the following website:
    2. Locate the segment.
    3. Select the option to download FIT
    4. Copy the Fit File to your \NewFiles directory on your Garmin device.

    Now, after completing this process to load segments that do not load through a Strava Premium account automatically, I wonder if these steps work to all use Live Segments with a Strava non-paid account?

    Of course, I would expect that the Live Segment on the device will not update with new records from other people, on without the Strava Premium account. However, it may be a way to get the segments on to a garmin device, without having to pay for a Strava Account.

  • Yeah. That's what I've been doing up until now but it's a lot of work to keep updating the .fit files to keep PR and the leader board times updated.

    I think I'll just re download them as regular fit files without my times. 

  • I would:

    Disconnect the Strava Connection and re-connect it:

    Then Also ensure when it is re-enabled that you ENABLE Strava segments.

  • I've done that already a few times with no success.

  • Well if that is the case, the only thing left I think is a factory reset.

    If you backup the following folder and files and restore them after the reset, you should not have to re-do the screens.


    But, just to be safe, I would just backup all the files on the device, specifically becasue I forget exactly what happens with the map files. Just in case they do not restore you will have a backup copy. After the reset you can just restore the files above.

  • I have now same situation with my 530. Strava segments do not sync to device.

    Even when setting 530 from Garmin segments to Strava segments - after sync setting is reverted back to Garmin segments.

    Is there way to set it working again? Everything was fine during 2020 and 2021 biking seasons.

  • I would also check that the Strava segment is showing up in your Garmin Connect account If the segment is not syncing to there, this is not a Garmin Edge 530 issue, it is a Garmin Connect problem.