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530 warranty

So this is my @garminau 530. About 18mths old. It has been "bubbling" around the edges for a few months. The warranty department at @garmin/@pushysonline say it's not covered because the unit is over 12 months old. I understand the warranty period is over but surely a unit obviously faulty and in 2 pieces should come under some attention. They offered me a second hand "refurbished" unit (Which is someone elses faulty one) for ONLY $200?. Not good enough @garminfitness. #garmin #garminconnect #garminau #garminedge530 #garminfail #garmincycling #garminfitness

  • I've never seen a screen come off like that. Was it exposed to excessive heat?

    When you purchased it, did you use a credit card? Most credit cards double the warranty.

    Also, the refurbished units work and look just as good as a new unit.

  • Hi mate. No excessive heat. It started to bubble around the edges a few months back but Garmin didn't want to know.  I was raining a bit yesterday and the unit just shut off. The bubbling was whatever they seal it with and hold it on. I turned it upside down to see if any water came out and the screen just popped off.  I also don't think it is fair to have to pay $200 for a second hand unit when this has failed in such a catastrophic way.

  • Hi there.. Im starting having similar issue as urs... Had a long rides under the sun (but nothing excessive, i have been riding in much hotter days), and noticed discolour of edges of the 530 but ignore it.. Then another long ride this become more visible (still ignore it, hoped that maybe is some traces from sweat or dirt maybe).. And yesterday rain ride (just 20-30 minutes under the rain), and now screen is moving on the press from finger.. I guess happened same as ur problem.. At my case device still work but i can notice some watter trapped around edges.. Mine is about 23 months old and less than 20000 km ridden (if i compare with my old 520 which i had it for 4 years and about 50000km and 500 before, this 530 did not lasted well :( )

    Wondering.. How did u solve ur problem? Did Garmin covered by warranty and replace the device? Or u just fixed on ur own?


  • Yeah, $200 is pretty steep.  I've had them replace an out of warranty item for $100 before.  I'm guessing they may have seen your pictures and concluded that there was no way to repair that sucker and are basically giving you a discount on a new item.  BTW, my replacement was supposedly a refurbished item and if I didn't know better I would have said it was new.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 2 years ago

    I dont know about US rules but in UK even if the Warranty runs out if the goods break due to manufacturing quality then they need to replace or repair up to 6 years. The argument is if the goods were "expected" to last a reasonable time. In this case the expectation would be a bike computer would last more than 18 months. 

  • When i bought my Edge 530, one of the reasons i bought it localy and bit more expensive that was possible ordering, was the claimed warranty of 2 years.... Yesterday after i post my question regarding same issue, i checked on web page of importer where there is confirmed that for devices which are bought  locally and from listed retailers, there is definitely 2 years warranty.. (Mine is localy and from listed retailer from Garmin page)  So i'll bring my faulty device tomorrow and expect nothing else then replacement with new device... Anyway i agree that this should be covered by Garmin for free even where is out of warranty, since is more than obvious that is manufacturing quality and im a bit dissapointed that this device lasted  really small amount of time/usage.. If i compare usage with my old Garmin Devices (Heat, Rain etc..), this really got just few rides on hot weather and only one on rain and for just 20 minutes  (which kill it)... I'll posit it back my experience as soon as i have some info.... And for now i was very loyal Garmin user (Fenix5, Varia Radar, Garmin Index Scale, Edge 500, 520, 530....), let's see if Garmin will be loyal or not :) when warranty is activated...

  • "Anyway i agree that this should be covered by Garmin for free even where is out of warranty, since is more than obvious that is manufacturing quality and im a bit dissapointed that this device lasted  really small amount of time/usage.."

    I'd say that might be asking a little to much.  Asking them to replace every unit that is sent back to them doesn't sound reasonable.  Look, I'm on your side but there is really no way to tell if maybe someone was trying to remove their screen and it went horribly wrong.   With that said,  I have experienced nothing but fantastic service and results when I've approached them about both a broken HRM and 520.  I sent them my out of warranty 520 and they sent me a 530 for $100.  They replace the out of warranty HRM strap free of charge.

  • At my case im not worried since my device is under warranty so i expect nothing less than to   be replaced by warranty.. Also more than obvious that is manufacturing flaw and issue.. When i said that this kind of problems should be replaced even if warranty has gone, i was thinking for problems where more than obvious is  manufacturing flaw.. U are mention the case  that that there is now way to say if someone was trying to remove their screen and it went horribly wrong... First question: Why someone would like to do that at all with fully functional device (especially if it's still under warranty or even one year after warranty (since battery should be great even in that time.. So why someone will attempt that except trying to replace the battery?). Second: I never tried to remove the screen on Garmin, but i guess u have to put something to pray the screen which will leave marks, so easy to see if there was that kind attempt or not based on those marks (when i typed this i watched video on youtube so definitely not easy to remove screen without leaving marks there) .. But in same time, if u analyze how this happened  u'll realize that from heat i guess the foam/glue they are using (i saw some youtube videos how edge 530 look inside), is damaged, and next ride in rain u get this.. Which u'll agree is manufacturing defect which Garmin should honor with replacement even with cases when is not under warranty...

    But as i mentioned few times, mine device is still  under warranty so hope will get replacement quickly...

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