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Updating firmware without Garmin Express; WebUpdater not working

My Edge 530 is currently on version 5.00. For privacy reasons, I don’t want to use Garmin Express to update it (in particular, indoor sessions record my GPS location, potentially opening up a can of privacy worms - remember, data can’t be leaked if it isn’t uploaded to start). The WebUpdater claims that I’m on the latest firmware, which is obviously wrong.

How can I either download and install the 8.20 firmware manually, or fix WebUpdater to do the job? (The issue arises on both Windows 10 and macOS.) There’s a bug in 5.0 that’s impacting some of my workouts, and there are fixes in later releases that seem relevant.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

  • no idea. but download the latest beta version. its on 8.63 in the zip is for downgrading the 8.20 file included

  • Webupdate is no longer a supported product so that route is not an option.

    Out of interest why do you have GPS recording enabled on your indoor sessions?

  • Thanks, Jason. That resolved the problem for me; my device is now on version 8.20 (and I'm still seeing the bug - grr.) I appreciate the reply.

  • It was supposed to be switched off. Your reply prompted me to look more closely at the settings, and I found the toggle to turn off GPS recording. Strange that the "indoor" ride type doesn't default to having it off, though. No matter, no matter.

    There are other privacy concerns with automatically syncing GPS data to a cloud server; that was simply the most obvious one.

    What's strange, if WebUpdater is no longer supported, is that it still works just fine for updating my Fenix 6s. I don't see a good reason why it should work for the Fenix, but not for my Edge.

  • That is likely a backend end thing with Garmin on where they host software for different products. Some product lines may still be accessible via Webupdate, while others are not.

    A lot of the newer Edge products cannot access updates via Webupdater. Hence my comments.