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Edge 530 and Magene HR sensor

The Garmin HR sensor that came with my Edge bundle has a dead battery after just 6 months, and the tiny screws on the battery compartment are seized solid. Even with the correct sized screwdriver I am unable to change the battery, so the sensor is useless ....NOT HAPPY GARMIN !

So, I am looking at the Magene H64 HR sensor as a replacement at less than a third of the Garmin price. It is a dual ANT+/BT unit just like the original Garmin, so it "should" connect properly, but I would just like to check ...anybody using one with their Garmin head unit ? I see that Magene had the sense to use a more robust "coin in the slot" type of cover to replace the battery unlike garmin's 4 tiny little screws !

  • Hi,

    I own the Magene H64.

    It connects, works, but it isn't a Garmin.

    If I had the issue you have with your Garmin, I would go to a Garmin service point, and ask them to do it for you.

    You are in warranty time, if it is only 6 month! No reason for you spend a penny!

  • I have used the Magene heartrate sensor and the bike sensors. The bike sensors have a bug. Every time you do a firmware update they forget their identity. The Cadence sensor thinks it's a speed sensor. 

    The magene works great with my Garmin Instinct. Never tried it with the Garmin. If you install the magena app you can check for firmware updates for the band,. 

  • Garmin may (probably? will) replace your HR strap under warranty if you contact them and let them know the situation. The warranty on the strap is 1 or 2 years depending on what country you purchased it from.

  • I have used the Magene heartrate sensor and the bike sensors. The bike sensors have a bug. Every time you do a firmware update they forget their identity. The Cadence sensor thinks it's a speed sensor. 

    Give the cranks a spin BEFORE trying to connect to the Edge. These types of sensor depend on their orientation to know what function they are supposed to perform. Giving them a spin lets the accelerometer know which way the device is oriented, and therefore whether it is intended to work as a cadence or a speed sensor. 

  • The Magena sensor isn't that advance. You have to remove the battery to change the mode. You can see the color of the led if the sensor is in the cadence sensor or a speed sensor.

  • Well I can confirm it works perfectly with my Edge 530, and ended up costing just over a quarter of the price for a replacement garmin unit !

    @ Oren ....unfortunately (in this case) I live in rural Thailand so taking it in to the Garmin service is not practical, would cost far more to get there and back than cost of the Magene ....never mind the COVID situation in Bangkok. I did ring them up and as soon as they found out I bought it on Amazon they flatly refused to do anything, Thailand is not known for honouring warranties !