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Custom cues

I generally create routes in Ride With GPS, and these routes have both custom cues and POIs.  I've been auto-syncing between RWGPS and the Garmin.  While riding with a friend the other day who was using the RWGPS app on her phone for navigation I realized I was getting very different cues than she was, and no custom cues.  And of course no POIs shown on my map, but I expected that.

Is there ANY way to get the Garmin to use the cues AS IS from RWGPS?  If not, I really don't know why I bought this device, as it's nearly worthless to me if I can't use navigation.  

  • If you are creating a route with "custom cues" then I assume you are a RWGPS premium  member. As you know the cuesheet entries including custom are included as "course points" when you export the route as either FIT or TCX (but not GPX). The 530 unfortunately won't do much with the cue entries other than...

    1. Display them in a cuesheet screen (as long as you have the settings for the course to include Course Points), usually the last screen of your enabled screens (can't be changed), will show the point name (10 characters) and distance from your current position for the next 3 points and the last, I think they can be scrolled but don't quote me

    2. Will include the distance to the next course point and the direction (L/R etc) in the "CRS PT Dist" field

    3. Will display the Course Point name (10 characters) in a bottom of screen notice when you roll over the course point, this might be too late for the turn so best to move the cue points (option when exporting for premium members) by 30 or 50 metres

    The Course Points will not appear in the map "Guide Text" (unlike in my old 520).

    if you do this you can disable the Garmin "Turn Guidance" and you will get the same cue entry notifications like the RWGPS phone app.

    Otherwise if you use the Garmin Turn Guidance it will do its own internal navigation and turn prompts from the routing info in the garmin device map and this will get confusing as you will get double notifications. If you like the Garmin notifications then you may as well not have the RWGPS cue entries unless it is only for the Custom ones in which case you should delete all the turn ones the RWGPS route planner inserts and only have your custom ones which will display in the bottom of the screen as you cross them.

    The phone RWGPS app only displays the cue entries and doesn't do any internal navigation

    In my experience the 530 is much much more stable and issue free when the Turn Guidance is disabled.

    There are some complications if Garmin Connect is involved in transferring the route as it will try to be intelligent and customise the download to what it "knows" your device can do, ie it might not transfer cues as it knows your device can do internal navigation.

  • Ah, I'll try turning off "turn guidance" and see how that looks.  Thanks for the info.

  • I found some examples of 1, 2 & 3 among my collection of 530 screenshots


    All these just from the TCX Course Points with the 530s "Turn Guidance" disabled

  • So you save the route as a TCX - did you disable auto-syncing between RWGPS and the Garmin, and manually copy the file?  When I last tried to copy a TCX over (to the NewFiles folder) it ended up in the Courses folder as a FIT file after the Garmin restarted.

  • Both FIT & TCX export formats from RWGPS can contain Course Points, the only advantage of FIT is that it is smaller. You can view (& edit if you know what you are doing) the TCX format with an XML editor, noting that most of it is "Track Points" with "Course Points" towards the end of the file.

    All formats (FIT, TCX, GPX) when copied to the Garmin\NewFiles directory will be converted to FIT and renamed when the device is restarted and deleted from NewFiles, remember that the route name must be unique within the first 15 characters.

    I generally copy the routes as I don't trust Garmin Connect to not change something along the way

  • Thanks for the information and all your help.  This is now working as per your screen shots, but unfortunately I don't think the 10 character text for all cues is what I want.  My routes usually contain the auto-generated cues along with a few custom cues - things like 'Turn right into Holiday Inn' - and the truncation to 10 characters isn't helpful.  My aging eyes also have a hard time seeing the tiny arrow and text.  I wanted to avoid using the RWGPS phone app for navigation because of the battery drain, but I think I'm going to have to find some compromise to get want I want out of the Garmin and RWGPS.

  • Yes the 10 character limit can be a problem. For eye sight & visibility reasons perhaps it would be better to use the Garmin navigation as it has the BIG turn arrows and turn popups to grab your attention, To minimise duplication of notifications might be best to delete all the RWGPS generated cues and only have custom cues. My club does long long multi-day / multi-night rides and most people disable the "turn guidance"  for device stability reasons but the generated and custom TCX cues are modified to have maximum info in the 10 characters. The TCX turn notification and CRS Pt Dist will always have the direction symbol so having "Turn Right" is unnecessary and the Holiday Inn could be just something like "2 HOL INN" .

    I fear that for eye sight reasons my next device will be a 1030+ (or replacement) with a bigger screen, I had better start saving now.

    Happy Riding

  • That's a good idea.  I'll give this a try.

  • So they disable Navigation and just follow the magenta color - for device stability u mentioned.....interesting. Doesn't disabling the recalculation help ?

  • Yes , I have all "recalculation" disabled but if Turn Guidance is off then there is no initial calculation to re-calculate anyway. The principle is to give the device the minimum of cpu/memory intensive tasks to do to minimise the chance of it hitting one of the many challenges that cause it to crash and as a bi-product the battery lasts longer too.