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Cadence sensor not pairing.

I recently purchased the Edge 530 sensor bundle and am trying to pair the cadence sensor with it but it is not connecting. The 530 unit recognizes the sensor is there, but when I turn the cranks, it does not wake up or sense the sensor. I also do not see the LED light the instructions refer to. I changed the battery and get the same no response. I told the unit to forget the sensor and then added it back, but the same thing happens where it tries to find it, but gets no input. Do I have a bad sensor that I need to return? Everything went fine with the speed and heart rate sensors.

  • Go for a short ride.  A brief spin of the cranks may not be enough to get things going.  Do some pedalling for a few minutes and see if it working then.  If it still isn't working then it is return time.

  • Thanks.  I have gone for two 20+ mile rides and still nothing.  Will call customer support now.

  • Check the battery contacts are ... making contact. Sometimes they can get bent. Also, some devices (can't remember whether this applies to the Garmin cadence sensors) ship with a plastic insert/tab on the battery contacts to prevent the battery going flat in inventory/shipping, so make sure to check that this has been removed.

    Also, check the sensor is properly aligned - it is a combined speed and cadence sensor, and which way it is aligned matters as to the data it sends.

    But if a brand new unit is not connecting AND the LED's aren't coming on, it is probably a defective unit - I am sure Garmin support (or your retailer will replace it for you.

  • I have the sane problem, you have solved?

    Thx Francesco

  • I'm having a similar problem and NOTHING works. When I got my Edge 530 it was missing the cadence sensor. Garmin sent me one, and it doesn't work. They suggested dead battery from storage. So I replaced the battery, I get the initial green light flicker, but will not with the Edge. I read about the plastic insert, mine was a white sticker not really a plastic insert, but I carefully removed it (in case I need to put it back on), and that did nothing. No matter what I do - it will not find the freaking sensor. I have ridden, sat and turned the crank for minutes on end... and it just keeps searching and searching and cannot find the senor. Am I just getting a complete DUD of everything Garmin out there? Ugh. Any ideas??

  • Just got my replacement cadence sensor in the mail... same issue. I am losing my mind... what am I doing wrong? In the videos people post online this process takes 30 seconds. I could sit there and wait for 20 minutes while turning the crank constantly and it still just sits there "thinking" on "select sensors to add" (I have selected the sensor I wish to add). Please help!

  • Try removing the battery and reinstalling it, or better still, install a new one as you don’t really know the condition of the original. It should wake up (blinking LED) straight away and be ready to pair.

  • I have the same problem as you. How did you manage the issue? Thanks. Luís 

  • Changed under warranty

  • Today I solved the issue. I sincronized mannualy all the sensors, beginning with the cadence one.