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Disabling "phone battery low" notification

My edge 530 won't stop popping up phone battery low notifications. When my phone battery is low, this popup appears on the edge 530 roughly once a minute, and doesn't go away until I manually dismiss it. It's incredibly annoying since it covers my data screens. Is there a way to disable specifically this one notification? I do not want

a) my phone to stop notifying me of low battery

b) my edge 530 to stop notifying me of text messages

FWIW I am using a Pixel 2.

(Not to sound like too much of a grouch this holiday season, but this is so ridiculously annoying that it makes me wonder whether anyone at Garmin actually uses their own products.)


    While you cannot single out indiviual notifications to Enable/Disable, the below article outlines some of the options available currently. I am awaiting confirmation internally if the Low Battery warning from your phone falls under the Other category or not. I will let you know in this thread once I hear back for sure.

  • I know this may be tricky, but if you could provide us with a screenshot of this notification, it would help us determine which category it falls under. 

  • I don't think it's "other" because I have "other" disabled. Also my phone itself does not show a notification in the Android notification bar.

  • Can't you just dismiss it and then it doesn't come back?  That is how it works on my 530.

  • Thank you for providing the screenshot. This allowed us to make sure of our official answer, and this is not a notification that can be turned off. You can dismiss this notification, but the only way to "turn it off" per se is to keep your phone topped off. I'm sorry I don't have a better solution for you .

  • I'm having this same issue. I can't believe it hasn't been changed in 2 years. I have a new 530 edge and a Pixel 5. The low battery warning pops up. If I dismiss it, it returns within 1 minute and sometimes very quickly. It blocks being able to see any other notifications and taking my hands off the bar every minute while mountain biking is a no go. The warning is helpful, but maybe once dismissed it returns again in 10 minutes or when the batter hits the next 5% decrement?

  • This is ridiculous.  Once the notification has been seen and acknowledged, it should not keep popping up every 1-2 minutes forever AND be modal, blocking the screen until the user clears it.  

    #1 We should be able to turn this notification off.

    #2 It should not work the way it does, incessantly bothering user even after it has been cleared.

  • I fully agree. It is quite annoying and it makes the device almost unusable, since you need to constantly dismiss the notification to keep the underlying data fields visible.

    My phone can last few hours with the battery at <10%, so I don't want to disconnect the phone just to avoid the notification popping up.

    I think it is good that the notification is large and it must be acknowledged, but once dismissed for the first time, as others already suggested, it should pop up again only when the next critical low value is hit (15-10-5-3%..) or maybe as a reminder but after a much longer time (20-30min?)

  • The only way I was able to fix this was by reverting back to Firmware version 7.1 

  • I’m also annoyed about these constant warnings as it hides critical fields. It is a awful distraction on the road and should not return after acknowledging it once. Please correct it in future updates.
