Hi all,
I have just started being coached.
The coach wanted me to ride in Zone 1 (135-165) with Zone 3/4 on hills (200-250) as part of my first session.
I have my Garmin set up with Avg power, power, power zones etc.
I tried to ride as instructed today by following "avg power" - which ended up being 164 (ie within my range) - but when I analyzed the results I was only in Zone 1 for 30% of my ride.
How can I ensure I stick to Zone 1 as much as possible?
If I had to ride at a particular cadence - this would be very clear using the cadence or avg cadence fields - as cadence is more controllable.
Incidentally I also tried to follow "power" and "power zones" fields but they jumped around quite a lot.
Thanks for any advice.