Has the old software repository been taken offline?
Previously accessed here http://www.gawisp.com/perry/agree.html
Has the old software repository been taken offline?
Previously accessed here http://www.gawisp.com/perry/agree.html
Due to some changes in our hosting status the Perry archives are no longer hosted online. I do have them safe and sound, however, and can supply any of the updates that we had there. Send me a message…
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I do have that. They also just released 13.10, though I can't say whether it will help.
Thanks for the reply allory
I was never 100% sure if this was an official archive or someone had done a stellar job of keeping track of everything, But it was an excellent resource, when needed. Glad to hear they are still available, albeit a little harder to access now.
Thanks again for the reply, will see what happens with V6.00 on the 530 and it’s segment recognition. I don’t really want to roll it back to v5.10, but that was a stable release (for me)
Not official, but done with the knowledge and consent of Garmin.
One problem, however, is that I collect the updates as Garmin makes them available to download. As more units receive their updates via Bluetooth and Connect or directly via WiFi it leaves some gaps. The latest update I have for the Edge 530 is v. 5.00.
Hi Allory ,
Would you be able to place copy of the 520 V13.00 file here: https://www.dropbox.com/request/eh3EEf1KKYnJ0CeBJOH9.
It's a shame the archive isn't on line anymore as it was a very handy resource.