Hi all.
Since getting a Vivoactive 4, I've had my Training load appear on the Connect app, and both my watch and EDGE 530 contribute to this... I think???
I use my EDGE 530 for cycling, and the watch for Running, Walking, etc.
However, this Training Status has my VO2 Max pegged at 50 for running, but 43 for cycling dating back to October 20 This has to be 2019 since I didn't have the unit in 2018 and I only got the watch 3 weeks ago.
I run once a week. It's hardly my "thing". I ride desert trails for some 7000km a year on average. 150-200km/week.
I would expect my VO2 Max to be better or the same for my cycling than my running.
And, it is my understanding that the EDGE 530 cannot give me a V02 max figure or FTP figure without a power meter. I only have a chest HRM and no power-meter.
So it begs the question, where did the EDGE pull this figure from and why?
I'll admit ignorance on these training metrics, since my EDGE 530 sometimes gives me the impression it does what it wants in this department. Especially annoying is the heat acclimation which is always wrong. There is no such thing as accurate weather in my area, and living at a coastal town, and riding 4km into a hot desert, makes this feature seriously redundant.
Is there a way to get this cycling V02 Max either manually adjusted or remove it entirely for cycling? I've tried editing it in User Settings in Connect, but it makes no difference.