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Wrong speed indication

Hi everybody, I got my edge 530 few days ago. I updated it to firmware 5,50 and connected to my Giant Trance E+ 2020 Ant+ sensors (ebike, speed+cadence, power).

I paired speed/Cadence sensor also to my Instinct watch and to Giant original mini computer.

I noticed that Instinct and Giant readout of speed are the same, speed indicated on 530 is always lower.

I recorded a tour with both instinct and 530 and found discrepancy also on overall distance although GPX route extracted by both devices were same, Garmin connect showed 44 km for instinct and 37 for Edge.

i supposed fix would be to manually set the tyre size of my bike, so I did it but no changes. So for test, I tried to put crazy value like 9999 but still nothing change. I switched off all sensors, assuming Edge will display speed from GPS but again I see wrong lower speed.

Any suggestion ???

thanks in advance.

  • I assume your tire size is the same for the Instinct and the Edge?

  • on Instinct I had the automatic detection, value is empty but it works ok.

  • This morning I made a new test and hopefully I got the solution. I didn't care about another ebike sensor, detected by the EDGE: power sensor.

    I was thinking that speed can be read only from speed/cadence sensor and perhaps from "ebike" generic sensor (where EDGE takes info for battery, assistance level, odo etc.). So I checked power sensor , and I discovered that tire size is also there a setting, and it was wrong, showing auto/1600 instead of 2205 I measured.

    So I changed the tire size for power sensor and made a quick test, hand lifting rear wheel and spinning it. Now speed by EDGE is same than other instruments...

    I have no knowledge of these sensors, looks strange that EDGE ignores speed/cadence for power sensor for speed parameter, but... well noted ;)

  • I have a similar issue. 2019 Trance SX E+ with 2020 ANT+ RideControl One.

    The Garmin is showing a speed circa 50/60% of real speed and distance measurement is wrong as well.

    I connected the eBike v's Add Sensor and picking eBike which is picks up. Issue is that whilst this seems to give a lot of fields I have yet to explore it does not allow me to edit tyre size anywhere.

    For clarity when you did ADD SENSOR did you pick something other than eBike ?

  • Hi, yes I got three sensor recognized by Garmin device: speed/cadence, ebike and power sensor.

    I had to change tyre size into power sensor to get the correct speed (and distance as well) indication.

    Please note that you have to switch on the bike and have sensor connected to Garmin to edit the tyre size, otherwise it’s impossible...

  • Thanks - will give that a go today. Did you select all 3 sensors or just eBike ?

  • I selected all sensor, because I like to have all data for speed, power and cadence stored in my Garmin for all training metrics, and I want to have ebike data as well, for battery %, estimated range, assistance level etc. for which I created a dedicated screen.

    I really appreciate the fact that Garmin can connect and use all sensor of ebike, it's a nice feature which avoid getting all these additional parts.

  • Thanks Armando

    Set them up and changed wheel size to 2281 (27.5 x 2.80) but RCO errored out. Need to triage it later to see whether the Garmin has written to the bike and it isn't reacting well against that wheel circumference. 

    Weirdly when I tried the bike speed was a zero read.

  • Ok so wiped sensors. Re-found and reinstalled and removed the SpeedBox. All seems to be working for now and speed / cadence / battery & range showing.

    Fingers crossed this remains stable then I can reintroduce the Speedbox and see what happens to speed readings.  

  • O Speedbox nao deixa a bike perceber mais que 23km/h, portanto isto impacta na distancia. E o Garmin busca a velocidade do sensor da ebike, e não do GPS. 

    Queria saber como indicar ao Garmin, qual o sensor de velocidade tem prioridade: ebike, sensor velocidade avulso ou o satélite.