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Segments time on device different to connect.

I went for a ride this morning, and completed two segments, beating my current PB and getting an overall best time on one of them. The edge said 49sec for a downhill segment beat my previous by -5sec.

However when i get home the time that's synced isn't even close its 57seconds.

Another segment that my Edge said id beat also hasn't reflected that in connect.

First one. 49 seconds, previous best 54.65.

Connect its synced at 57.1 seconds.

and another.

Its really annoying as both of these would have me in 1st place overall, not just PBs.

  • Could you figure it out yet? I cannot find any info on it. But my time difference is over 2.5 minutes

  • Did you ever fix this issue I am having the same issues on all my segments. Garmin edge 1030 shows a time and track data on connect website has similar but the segment times on connect are different.

  • Check that the Edge is set to use 1 second recoding and not smart recording. Connect works off of the data points in the activity file. If the Edge is using smart recoding there will be fewer points. This could result in what you are see as smart recording depending on the shape of the path taken might only be recoding a data point every 3 to 5 seconds.

  • That’s not it, is set to 1 sec recording and have ridden same route in smart, both give same issue. At present the later / best times are not updating in connect and then the inaccuracy in connect to the device.

  • Does connect recognize that you rode the segment on the day that the activity captured these times?

  • Hi, yes. Per the original post. Records time at the end of each ride when synced with connect App, track data (Connect website) correlates to the times on the edge device (1030) but the connect times in the segment do not correlate. For example last week I beat my best time by 1 second (21 down to 20) yet connect gives a time some +4 seconds, when checking the track data on the map (segment eye ON) gives the 20 second time at the start finish point. On the edge the new best time does not now show as the new best time and still shows a previous (slower) time. So there is an issue when syncing. The pics above 49 secs, yet still shows PB @ 54.65 ?

    Also when I check ride history most of the segments (not all) do not correlate on rides.

    The only thing I remember that worked was to remove all data from connect and then re-addd device / re-sync, but cannot remember how I did that as at present when I login in to Connect it has history, meaning I did not on the previous delete history individually. Then the edge took about 5 hours to sync, this forced the segments to add correctly, the answer was on the forum early this year but I cannot find that answer. Only thing I find now is to delete all data, that was not how I did it. So frustrating when you are making effort to beat PB's and have the pleasure of climbing the leaderboard.

  • Hi. I think I may have an answer when the segment times are so close (seconds). The Edge 1030 I have shows the start point maybe 10m to 15m after the start point when reviewing the segment start point very carefully. This would suggest forgetting the edge start point to go (its a sprint segment) and go where I know the start point actually is on the road. So could simply be the inaccuracy of GPS rather than a data issue when syncing...