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editing/changing route while recording ride.

I am interested if I can change/upload new route to device from smartphone while riding and recording my ride. 

or I need to stop current ride. change route and start recording new ride as mentioned in this tread:

planning to buy 530 for my trail riding and bikepacking duties. So editing/creating new track on the go is must have for me. 

  • Syncing doesn't work when an activity is ongoing or paused. So it's not possible to create or update routes. The only way to change things the routes is what you see on the device: navigate around the map in a painfully slow way or hit "return to start", but no way to modify routes while the activity is ongoing.

    It's incredibly sloppy coding from Garmin to not allow syncing of routes/workouts/segments/etc. while recording, but that's what we have at the moment.

    I read a lot better experiences here about Wahoo devices regarding how easy it is to adjust things from the phone (and also how easy it is to see the routes while riding), but I don't have any experience with them, so maybe research if those are capable of doing this. Or get one of the touch screen Garmins (830, 1030) that make looking around the map a bit more bearable and fast, but afaik they still don't let you edit routes on them directly.

  • This is a huge pain I just discovered this weekend. Great. So if I want to change routes mid-ride, I'll end up with two or more GPX files needing combining. Thanks Garmin.

    As a note, the Viewranger app is excellent for replotting routes in the wild, and then sending them via Garmin Connect to the device. 

  • There are IQ widgets that let you download courses while an activity is being recorded. Ridewithgps is one.

    So is GRouteLoader and GImporter (copies courses from an Android device).

  • Thanks - so could you create or edit a route and sync it to the Garmin 100% on the device and when offline - ie as often happens in the wilderness? 

  • Syncing is a Garmin Connect Mobile feature and requires internet access. It doesn't work when recording an activity. I believe you have to load the course to the Garmin Connect website before you can sync it.

    Ridewithgps also requires internet access.

    GImporter just needs the courses on the stored on the phone (and the GExporter app running there). There are ways of using smartphone apps to create courses without needing internet access.

    GRouteLoader provides the functionality as GImporter as well as other features.

    You can also use a cable between the Garmin and the Android phone.

  • As mentioned, you'll need Internet access to sync. Personally, when I'm not sure of which route I'll be taking, I load all the possibilities on the Garmin before I head out. Then when switching to a different course, I stop the course, then start a different course, all without stopping the activity. So you don't have multiple activities to combine.