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Sensor dropping

A constant headache. I have an Edge 1000 and no problem with the sensors. With the 530, its constant on and off...get notices while riding...found your cadence, found your speed, found your heart...very sporadic but throughout the ride. The sensors are brand new, and have reset the 530 and tried removing the sensor batteries to no success. Any suggestions or does the unit go back to Garmin?

  • I've had the same problem. Edge 520. Current software. Garmin power and cadence sensors. Drop. Refund. Go to 0. Repeat. Just when I think they're good, they'll get dropped again. Very annoying. 

  • Also having same issue. Newest firmware, and also on earlier firmware. 

    Sensordrop on Stages powermeter and heartbelt. Full battery on sensors. No drop with my old computer (Wahoo Bolt)

    My solution is to disable active phone connection.

    When phone connection is off I have almost never sensor drop. When phone (IPhone) is connected I have drops on every single ride. Not an ideal solution but it works for me :-)

    brgds. Henrik

  • Thanks. Will give that a try and maybe turn off Bluetooth on phone. The only thing I have active on my phone is Strava. Which come to think of it might not be needed since I think I've got Garmin livetrack. 

  • You don’t have to disable Bluetooth. 
    In the status menu on the Garmin 530 > deactivate phone connection. 

    It comes with a price - you will not be able to use livetrack. Thats why I write “not an ideal solution” but sensor drop seems to stop. I have used this setup for several months now.

    I’m not happy with loosing livetrack - but using the app Glympse instead works. 
    Hoping a later firmware will solve


  • did you try a new beta software? They say that the problem with dropping sensors was resolved.

  • I have stayed on latest non beta firmware - and look forward to upgrade as soon the firmware are promoted to “production”

    Very happy to read that sensor drop should be resolved in newest beta :-)

    ... hope it soon will be released

    Brgds. Henrik

  • Thank you - I'll give that a try first. I use Strava for others to track - so perhaps that's a good alternative to Live Track. I appreciate the help. 

  • I'm still seeing a lot of drops when on my Tacx Neo. Speed, power and cadence often drop out briefly.

    Currently on 5.48. (My device has also started resetting since updating 5.10 > 5.48)

  • I am near to put this piece of *** to the rubbish bin and back to the wahoo. I cannot do even single workout without power dropouts. With wahoo I haven’t had such problems.

    Sorry for these words but how long do we have to wait for so simple functionality. I have to have a bike computer to train and to monitor my progress. If I go with max/sub max and see power/cadence dropout I am near to explode!

    I sent logs from trainings to beta team many times. They have a lot of informations to figure it out.

    It lasts so long ...

    Very frustrated customer :/

  • I tried the beta software over the weekend ver 5.43. While it seemed to fix all of the 'refinding' of the Power sensor, it did not fix the constant drop outs I'm having with the Power and Cadence sensor. No improvement.