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Backlight improvement


I’d like to suggest an improvement to backlight logics. 
In Fenix family as well in other watches is possible to set backlight activation after sunset whit arm movements or button press. 
In Edge 530 there is a auto bright feature, but the working logic is useless. At sunlight ou heavy artificial light at night it goes brighter, despite the fact you can read the screen without it, so, when you don’t need it. When riding in the dark, auto bright just dimmer backlight to unreadable set. 
Therefore, is highly desirable an option to reverse the logic after sunset, or another auto bright matrix to enable it to a level you can read it while riding outdoors at night. 

sorry if I had repeated the thread, couldn’t find any other in this matter. 

  • I have new 530 and yes is stil toooo dim..... Must set to 90-100% brightnes to see

  • I had used a Bryton Rider 410 before adding Edge 530 to my gadget portfolio, just because I missed the map I got used to (I had used an Edge 705 before Bryton). 

    As a 1-sentence review I find 530 superior or equal to Bryton 410 except for their display/backlight. 

    I am not good at display technologies, so I dont know why, but without using its backlight Bryton has a bright enough display-background, sharp contour of numbers and letters, and at the same time it is still strong in battery life, which is over 30 hours.

    The battery life of 530, which is around 20 hours for me, is enough, again for me, I dont care if it is 20 or 30 hours, but the display brightness of 530 is very very poor. If the sun is just above my head it is fine, but if it is a bit lower, like at 10:00 AM or at 2:00 PM, 530 requires a backlight. I mean the angle and orientation of the sun is critical. And again it is not a dawn and dusk problem, the display is bright enough only when the sun is really above one’s head. Certainly on cloudy days it is much worse, but at least backlight really needs for the whole ride, on sunny days my actual heading defines whether the display has a fantastic readibility or a very poor. 

    Moreover I cant use my polarized sunglasses while riding, because its filtering effect (around 60%) is too much for Edge 530 (w/o backlight), while at the same time I can easily read the data both on my Bryton 410 and on my old rusty iBike Newton (w/o any backlight, of course). I even re-borrowed my Edge 705 from my son to check whether I remembered well or not regarding its readibility with my polarized sunglasses, but I have still no problem with it.

    Auto brightness of 530 does not meet my need due to its algorithmic behaviour.  My solution is deactivating auto brightness, and at the same time I use at least 70% as a backlight strength, and I also tend to use ‘stay on’ setting, because in case of hard climbing  I want to continuously check my actual power numbers.

    I dont know whether 830 has the same behaviour, or not, but nevertheless I do love my 530, and just simply do not understand how Garmin could devastate its display design.

  • A year of time and several updates in the meantime is not enough to finally introduce such a simple thing as:
    from sunrise to sunset: backlight off
    from sunset to sunrise: backlight on

  • Garmin are you listening??? Please update the software to fix this glaring problem!!!! So many of my rides are into the evening chasing daylight and the lack of a functioning backlight when I need it the most really takes away from the experience. Makes me want to consider another brand. I would rather not….

  • I purchased an edge530 a few days ago. Auto brighness is completly useless for me, the screen is always much to dim. I can only use it with a fixed brightness. So I went googling...I'm really surprised that something this simple to fix (at least, so it seems) is still an issues after 3 years! @Garmin, why not just add an offset option as suggested? Or please explain why this isn't fixed as promised 2 years ago by @Garmin-Matthew.
    For me a sign Garmin is not taking it's customers very serious.
    Not sure yet what I will do, if battery life is an issue during my next rides, I think I will return it.

  • I like that idea, I think that logic would work well for me.

    I'm surprised to read about people saying it is too dim at night, I ride a lot at night and have never found the display to be dim?  I have backlight as stays on and brightness on auto.  Also enable day/night screens.  Battery life is fine, I have never timed a full to low in one go but it seems to last a couple weeks with normal use both day and night riding.  

    I have also never experienced an issue with use during the day during any lighting condition.  I think backlight always on is the key, I always ran my 510 this way as well.  If people are wary of this due to potential battery drain, I don't experience any noticeable impact.  If I was doing a 12hr+ event then maybe I'd have to alter it to be sure it works out.

  • Garmin, sarebbe il caso metteste mano alla gestione dell'illuminazione del 530. Io stesso ho tolto l'illuminazione automatica impostando come valore il 30% fisso.

    Altro aspetto, durante l'uso di notte o comunque dopo il tramonto quando il display diventa illegibile per la scarsa luminosità esterna ma ho la necessità di portare a termine i miei allenamenti e ripetute in watt, sono costretto a fermarmi, entrare nel menu e da sistema andare ad attivare la luminosità su fissa ma con schermo invertito, ovvero cifre bianche e sfondo nero per non venire accecato dalla luce ma riuscire a leggere correttamente i dati.

    Quindi Garmin, sarebbe il caso che tuoi sviluppatori mettessero mano a queste necessità piuttosto che ad altre magari meno utili ai fini dell'uso pratico dello strumento.


    Garmin, it would be appropriate to put your hand to the management of the lighting of the 530. I myself have removed the automatic lighting by setting a fixed value of 30%.

    Another aspect, during use at night or in any case after sunset when the display becomes illegible due to the low external brightness but I need to complete my workouts and repeated in watts, I am forced to stop, enter the menu and system go to activate the brightness on fixed but with inverted screen, that is white digits and black background so as not to be blinded by the light but to be able to read the data correctly.

    So Garmin, it would be the case that your developers put their hand to these needs rather than to others perhaps less useful for the practical use of the tool.

  • A short update and correction!
    I mounted the Edge on my MTB upper frame beam at first (phone was still on my steering beam. This way of mounting my viewing angle was far from ideal (ideal is 90 degrees I think).
    After mounting the extended steering mount, the display visability has improved significantly and is perfectly fine for riding!
    Although I still would like the option of an auto brightness offset, it is not a showstopper anymore.

  • Sure. The wholy story made me to invoke this video: