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Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge - updated for build 5.50

I thought it would be helpful to write-up how ClimbPro works on the Edge. 

This write-up is based on the recent 5.50 software release.

New in Build 5.50 is

Estimated time to the top of the climb

Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge V1.9.pdf

  • Thanks. I'm definitely getting the climb pro screens. It's just the "Grade selection" option is not present. 

  • Thanks. I'm definitely getting the climb pro screens. It's just the "Grade selection" option is not present. 

    • I've sent an email to garmin support
  • Understood, but how are things happening with regards to ClimbPro? Isn't the the reference data for climbs generated on the fly while the course is computed on the Edge unit? I am wondering whether a similar process might be possible for segments.

  • I see what you are getting at. I will pass that on to Garmin as a suggestion. I don't know how CPU intensive that might be. It might make the course loading times too slow.

  • Thanks, I would assume that CPU isn't a limiter - the small Wahoo units can do it but are much slower all around. I'd assume, however, that this would require quite a few changes to Garmin's code and everybody seems to have more or less accepted that navigation and segments are a bit hard to reconcile. 

    It kinda makes me wonder, but I was under the impression that the Fenix 5+, while nowhere near as full fledge when it. ones to navigation as the Edge units, handles Strava live segments during navigation - even if the route is loaded from Garmin Express or komoot - quite fine. I'll have to double check this, though. 

  • I'm still not quite up to speed with how it works, but the route is one that I have already made (imported a gpx into Komoot, tweaked, and then exported as Gpx, and then imported into Garmin connect. This was then loaded onto my Edge. On the route there were 5 climbs. Climb pro showed me screens and details for three of them. It could be that the other too were categorised as low climbs. 

  • It could well be that 2 of the climbs you did not make the cut for the the medium to large climbs filter, which is the default for the filter setting.

    If you would like to post the FIT file for the course from the Garmin\Course folder I can load it my unit with the filter set to all climbs and see if they show up.

  • In fact it is very CPU intensive as it involves matching the whole length of every segment with the course route to determine if that segment should be embedded in the course file.

    My best guess at what Wahoo is doing is that as segments and courses are independent on the Wahoo that they are just starting any segment if you pass the start point and are not checking that the whole segment lies on the course you are doing. It then just kills the segment if the course and segment diverge. 

  • Well that surely sounds like a fine solution, doesn't it?