Edge 130 Plus restart during course activity with custom course points


as the title says, I have an issue with the Edge 130 Plus restarting during course activity on which I added custom course points (i.e Energy Gel).
This is very annoying since I'm using custom course points as a big helpers during my XCM races, and it's very important to me to work as expected.
It takes about 10-20s to restart, to connect all sensors again and waiting for me to press play again to continue where it stops.
This is very easy to reproduce.
Just make a custom course (or edit existing one) in Garmin Connect and add at least 1 custom course point.
Regarding notification settings, everything is set correctly as it is described here for the iOS, since this is my 3rd Garmin device for the last 10 years.
Regarding sensors that are attached to Edge are Garmin Rally XC100 powermeter pedals, speed sensor, and Garmin HR strap.

Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Workaround is to use General Point type of custom points!!!

EDIT 2: I reached out to them over support, and they confirmed that the Edge 130 has been discontinued and won’t receive any further software updates. Unfortunately, this means the issue won’t be officially fixed.
  • I deleted all distance markers and edge 130 worked perfectly. Therefore as no software update forthcoming only thing you can do is delete course points. If course points essential, only thing you can do is buy another bike computer. Garmin really should provide software updates for longer, as I only bought 2 1/2 years ago.

  • Para mí la navegación es esencial. Por otro lado no me parece ético, romper los dispositivos quitándoles funciones, eso tiene un nombre y se llama estafa. La caja de mi Garmin indica “seguimiento de rutas” y eso ya no puede hacerlo.

  • Por favor, alguien sabe donde descargar o tiene la ver. 2.90?

  • Had the same issue. discovered the following: it happens when I create a new planned route based on an activity in Komoot and stick to original route. The route transfers perfectly to garmin but when I ride it garmin reboots constantly with after that « ride in progress ». Deleted the route on garmin ( device, connect & komoot). In komoot repeated the same (create planned route based on activity) but: selected stick to known routes. updated garmin connect with this and when I ride that route all is perfect. The recorded route is completely crazy: did 20 km of swimming in the ocean and had an avg of 53k/hour.

    Why is there no validation in garmin checking so you simply can not sync a corrupted route and avoid the havoc when riding that route.

    So nothing todo with reset, its simply a corrupted route in garmin. It imports perfectly, you can see the route perfectly in garmin, but you cannot ride it. Garmin software devs: please get behind your desk and take your bike. It will be a pleasurable and learning experience.

  • Podrías dar los pasos exactos que haces para que funcione la navegación? Gracias.

  • Actualización recibida, no ha cambiado la versión del SF pero he hecho una ruta de 10km (diseñada con rutas populares) y no he tenido reinicios.