Additionally, can it control smart trainers? And how good is the navigation on it? I'm looking to buy an edge for road cycling and I'm unsure if its worth going for the more expensive 530.
Additionally, can it control smart trainers? And how good is the navigation on it? I'm looking to buy an edge for road cycling and I'm unsure if its worth going for the more expensive 530.
Navigation very simple, no maps as such just line with an arrow, route has to be a saved location or a course, can't search on the fly. Will control smart trainers, get the plus model, ideal for myself for my planned TT, light weight, all sensors work,
I also use it with the Varia radar, can control and configure the radar with the 130 plus, radar pings displays on screen as it does on my 1030.
i have an edge 130plus with a varia rtl500 taillight, but i do not see radar alerts on my screen. its a pretty expensive taillight if the radar doesnt show... please advise. i only can add light at sensor - no radar, but the radar in the taillight reacts on traffic. what am i doing wrong.
5566499 I can confirm that the original radar that you have is compatible with the 130 Plus and should pair to the Edge as both a radar and lights sensor. Can you remove any previous pairing your radar has made to your 130 Plus and then re-pairing to see if you can get this to fully pair to the Edge?