Battery save mode - Show map at turns


on yesterdays ride (befor the displac froze completely - again) I was also testing the battery saver mode mid ride. I noticed, that the display did not turn on for route turn notifications, I only had the beeps to tell me somethings coming up. I tried both settings (on/of) for hide maps with no effect here. That would be very important for navigating on long riders where you need to extend the battery life.

  • I just want to bring it up again: it is quite important that the display turns on to show notifications especially for turns when in mode. Is there a way to do it or is it possible to include it in a future update? 

  • On my 1040 it is very easy to achieve much better battery life by ignoring "battery save mode" and just configuring settings to maximise battery life, 1050 might be different but I am not convinced battery save mode does anything useful that can't be done manually. I get 85-100 hours of battery on my 1040. Disabling the Turn Prompts would be a pretty odd way of archiving battery saving on a "navigation" device ?

  • Think you misread what I wrote, I dont want to disable turn prompts. I want them to be shown in mode to make sure I do not miss them. That is quite crucial for navigating on long distances.

    And yes: it is different on the 1050, as the display is much more energy hungry.

  • misread what I wrote

    No mis-read / understanding, my point is that I doubt "battery save mode" does anything you can't do (better) yourself by settings to reduce processor load / battery usage, many settings on other devices have had bugs early in their life (some still) where-by their state has no impact on the feature, looks like same applies to the "hide map" setting in battery save mode so don't use it until (if) it is fixed.

  • On the 1050 the by far amount biggest energy eater is the display, it is simply a different technology then on the 1040. That is why u have such a reduced "standard" battery life compared to the 104 (despite a much bigger battery). If you want to really extended battery life there is no way around turning the display off. Of course you can achieve some gain with the settings, but it is small compared to display off here. And that is exactly why a good working battery saver mode is important that turns the display off, but does not let you miss important information (navigation prompts).

  • I just did look at my trusty 830: here I could select which alerts (including "Turn Guidance") will wake up the screen. That is missing on the 1050 (and 1040 as soon as I found out). 

    Please bring this setting back. It is important for Ultras/Long distance riding. Thanks