Varia Error 0:9 and Error F:C on v11.24 and latest Varia Firmware

Four errors on a 90 minute ride yesterday.  Any hope for a fix for this?  Maybe just say "RECONNECTING" rather than a modal error box.  Seems kinda dangerous to keep having to take my hands off the bars to manually clear this error.

  • Thanks, Dave.  I just informed all nine pages of people who have been experiencing the same problem for the past THREE YEARS that they're all wrong for expecting their $200 radar to NOT error every ten minutes.  "Y U MAD?" is an acceptable resolution.

  • Couldn't agree more. It's totally ridiculous that this stays on screen beyond the point the radar is working fine again.

    I don't get it every 10 minutes though, cars with radar (there are quite a lot of them around here now) don't seem to trigger it, only traffic lights.

  • In the SF city limits, it's absolutely RIDICULOUS.  Once I cross the bridge into Marin, it's fine(ish), but still I'll get disconnects when late-model SUVs rage-pass me.  I think maybe that's why some people are commenting, "WORKS ON MY EDGE 1050!".  I'm not disagreeing, IT WORKS!  But it's the worst, Windows Vista-style design decision in the universe to force users to MANUALLY clear this (NON)-error out.  99.9999% of these don't even need to be a notification.  The sensitivity for what's considered to be a disconnection needs to be dialed-back by a factor of 1000.  The error needs to be a slight notification up until probably 2-3 seconds of continuous disconnection.