Edge 1050 power off by itself. Several restarts during activity.


Since I have this device I can't rely on it as well as almost all devices, which I have like my Fenix 8. 

I must admit that Fenix 8 is way more better and stable since its release now, but when it is used for navigation during race it is loosing the map again and makes reloads of the map to find you back on track. The Navigation is very slow if you ride a bike, you can get the wrong turn or miss it till it notify you that you have to turn. Watch can self restart in such case and you hope that at the end of the race you can save your stats. 

This issues with Fenix 8, lead me to decide to buy Edge 1050 as I thought that this computer designed for cyclists, should do much much better then the Multisport watch. As latest model will work better then E1040. But unfortunately, this device started to have the same issues as the watch just on its first use. WHY??

Edge 1050 is updated to latest 9.1 firmware. I made hard restart as for the watch. At first use of it with a test track of 50km in mountain, it decide to self restart one time during the event, then it was able to continue the track and when I complete the track and press on Stop-> Save and then magically stop responding and after minute it rebooted. Then nothing was saved as event! Much appreciated Garmin!  This was month ago.

Last week, I had the same miracles and magic tricks. During mountain event and loaded track, it rebooted 3 times for 48km and at the end of the session, when I .. guess what.. press on Stop-> Save :) Yeah, it hang and rebooted! But this time it was able to save the track, BUT .. It was not able to synchronize it with Garmin connect on my phone. No chance!

I forgot to mention that during this specific event, the device was on free ride event and it decided to power off by itself and I found that almost before my front door as the screen is on power safe during event and not use.

Several restarts, didn't helped. I found that I can manually find the folder on device where the events are saved and export them, then to manually upload them. OK. Made the export and made a try to manually upload the event directly on Garmin connect but from the web page profile. Guess what, the upload process showed only errors that can't upload the file or if it was able, it was showing the data as 000. Then I made attempt to upload it in Strava, only Strava accepted it and showed each data stored for that event.

Dear Garmin, 

What you will suggest now? Do you read logs for this issues on device? How you troubleshoot this?

I am fed up to buy very expensive devices with the hope that they will work and do their work. Why you fell and fail so much? It appears that you don't care about your Customers. 

Do you know that we are not going only on known places and race on known tracks? We need to save our data to train ourself and be not lost in terrains which are not known for us. We can get back safe but in some situations we need to rely on this navigation which you provide as we don't get with us paper maps, because we think that those luxury devices will do their work for this money!

Please, respond on the above.