Navigation on the 1050 is crap

My wife and I are touring through Austria and Italy. I prepared routes using RWGPS, and loaded the GPX files to both my 1050 and my wife's 1030+. On the 1030+, the courses work exactly as they should - pick the saved course, wait for it to finish calculating, ride, and she gets a single purple course line on screen with prompts at each turn that automatically swap the display to the map screen for the turn.

The exact same courses on the 1050 are a real hit and miss affair. A couple have loaded and worked correctly. Most load and show a real dogs breakfast of pink and purple lines with arrows all over the place, such that it's difficult to pick what the intended route is, and I get no audible prompts for turns, nor does the display automatically switch to the map screen when approaching a turn, so I have to keep the display on the map to see where to go.

The 1050 appears to know the route being followed, as when I go off route, I get the prompts to pause navigation or recalculate - if I choose recalculate, this *always* fails, but when I get back on course I see "course found", but still get no navigation prompts.

I've taken screenshots of all these problems, but because we're only travelling with phones and Garmins, and the 1050 uses MTP, I can't get to the screenshots on it via USB to put them here.

  • More of the same problems today, plus the 1050 spontaneously rebooted itself just after initially loading the course. When I reloaded the course, again no turn-by-turn directions - I had to have the display constantly at the map screen to verify that I was following the course. Same course file on my wife's 1030+ worked flawlessly.

    I've also noticed that even for courses where I do get turn notifications, the zoom of the map display for turns doesn't work, the map scale stays at whatever it was previously set to.

    FW on the 1050 is 9.11.

  • Same spontaneous reboot this morning when loading a course. It seems to happen if I load a course and don't immediately press "Ride" when it appears on screen. If I just let it sit there, after about a minute the 1050 reboots. If I load the same course and press "Ride" as soon as it appears, I don't get that problem.