Navigation, ClimbPro errors help, please

Having some Edge 1050 issues, two in particular:

1. I entered my home address and the 1050 said no information found, please refine search parameters. I narrowed to my city, even my neighborhood. Still nothing. It wouldn't even find the street. My Karoo 2 finds my address no problem, even autopopulates the street. Seems like a pretty significant fail for a navigation device to not be able to find things. I tried other locations  near my home. It finds the library near our home and some cafes, but not a cafe that has been there longer than the cafes it did find. As this is supposed to be a navigation device, seems like something is off.

2. ClimbPro will NOT see some climbs, but one climb in particular during free ride. When I program in a route, the climb that it doesn't see in free ride shows up as a climb on the route. Again, my Karoo 2 shows these climbs in free ride no problem. When I discussed this in chat with a Garmin rep, his only response was, "Karoo must use a different algorithm than we do." Not acceptable for a head unit this expensive. This is of course in addition to the general erratic nature of ClimbPro, stopping and starting early, seeing/not seeing climbs from day to day. Any insights would be appreciated but as it stands, I am going back to my K2. It can show me climbs, and navigate properly.

Thanks for any insight.