Spontaneous shutdown

Yesterday after a 3.5 hour ride with 67% battery my Edge 1050 shutdown spontaneously. Don’t know if it had to do with it but it was searching for alternative routes for about 30 minutes before shutdown because I had to detour because of a closed road. After shutdown I turned it on again with the button. After this I pressed the start button and it continued as nothing had happened. Everything was recorded correctly iexcept for the short time it turned off.

  • Michel, I have experienced the same thing. For my last 3 consecutive rides, the 1050 is shutting down spontaneously. perhaps not so spontaneously, as I have noticed that each occasion has been between 63-65 km (40 miles) of riding, or approximately 2 hrs in. Only once in those three was I following a route, which had to be rerouted, but I was back on course at least 30 minutes before the shutdown.  It didn’t shut down during rerouting, so I don’t think it was that. Plus that wouldn’t explain the other 2 occasions.  Like you, I turn the head unit back on, press start button again and continue on with a loss of about a minute or so of data. I had the 1030 plus for 2 years without ever any issue.  I’m hoping it’s bugs in new software/hardware that will eventually be sorted out. Nevertheless, it is a current pain. What gives Garmin? 

  • Same here this weekend 2+ hour ride 

  • I have also had a couple of times (4x) a spontaneously reset of the 1050.

    But i wasn't riding, just setting up the fields when i was sitting on the couch.

  • I don't know if it has anything to do with it but to me it happened some time after the second time I went off course during the same ride.

  • Yes the same things happens to be every single ride. It will just shut down and reboot 6-7 times every ride randomly. 

  • It happened to me as well and because of the auto record feature, I thought it was recording but it wasn't. What's going on Garmin???

  • My 1050 also resets during rides. Has done this only reset 3 times and usually on the way back to my house within 2-7 miles of my house on a 30-40 mile ride but never in the same spot. It is annoying because it doesn't start recording automatically after it restarts. If I don't keep an eye on it and don't restart it manually I loose miles and data. I am running firmware version 10.19. 

  • I would contact straight away and let them know. I did that and they are sending me a new one as a warranty replacement. There is no fix for the problem at this stage. Every ride mine would close down spontaneously about 6 times. It was extremely frustrating

  • I’ve also experienced the same spontaneous reboot issue with my Edge 1050 after around 2 hours of cycling. I reported it to Garmin support and, like you, they asked me to send it in for a detailed analysis.

    If it helps narrow down the issue, I’m using some Connect IQ data fields on my 1050, including “My Bike Radar Traffic” and “Windfield.” I’m currently on firmware version 10.19, but I had the same problem with firmware 10.18 and 9.11 as well. Today, the device rebooted just a few minutes into my ride while it was recalculating the route.

    A cycling friend of mine who also has the 1050 has encountered the same spontaneous reboot problem. Has anyone who sent their device to Garmin for this issue seen a permanent fix, or tried resolving it by doing a device reset? Did it help in any way?

    It might help to better understand and address this issue if everyone experiencing the problem could share the following information here in the thread:

    • Firmware version
    • Data fields or Connect IQ apps installed
    • How long into the ride the reboot occurs
    • What specific functions or actions caused the reboot (e.g., route recalculation)
    • Whether a device reset has been attempted and if it was effective
    • If the device was sent to Garmin support and if the issue was resolved after the intervention
  • My 1040 did the same thing.  My 1050 did it yesterday during a race.  Luckily it rebooted quickly and picked up where it had left off.  And also, luckily I had just received the next turn before it turned off.  I hope they can get this sorted out.  It happened after 2 hours of riding just like has been mentioned above.