Edge 1050 map inconsistencies and bad rerouting.

Have now been using the new Edge 1050 for 6 weeks and have found the map directions and rerouting to be inconsistent. 

When following a course created in Garmin Connect the 1050 indicates a bogus U turn when the course has a slight bend to the right and no U turn is required to stay on course. This seems to occur randomly and even in well populated areas.

The rerouting has also been found to not route back to the loaded course on the shortest route. In some cases it added over 10 miles to the ride should the rerouting directions have been followed. When selecting the map page it can take up to over 30 seconds to draw the map. Garmin support suggested only having the cycling area map that you ride in loaded and no other maps but this did not improve the map drawing time. Garmin has indicated poor GPS/GNSS signal levels can slow the map drawing time but all the problems described occurred riding on forest roads with a few pine trees or on urban paved roads with no sky obstructions. 

Riding a Specialized Creo eBike with a range extender battery the 1050 only reports the main battery level and not the combined battery level of the main battery and the range extender battery as reported in the Specialized Mission Control app.

All the above described bugs have been reported to Garmin Support.