Is the Garmin Topo v6 Pro map compatible with Edge 1050 ?
Is the Garmin Topo v6 Pro map compatible with Edge 1050 ?
Which Topo v6 pro map exactly? You can easily check on the product page of the map whether it’s compatible, for example Topo France v6 pro is compatible with the Edge 1050.
Note that in the current software version there’s a bug that results in thick black borders on small roads when using maps other than the Garmin Cycle maps. This is fixed in the latest beta software release (v10.08).
Also note that if you have already purchased the Topo map, either on SD card or as download, you cannot use that map because the Edge 1050 doesn’t have an SD card slot, and a download purchase of the map is locked to the device you bought the map for. So you would need to buy the map again.
Thank you for your response.
so if your Edge is the subject of a warranty exchange by Garmin you must buy a new topo map? There's no way to unlock it?
In the case of a warranty exchange Garmin can transfer the license for the purchased downloadable map to the new device. You can ask support to do this for you.
Ok thank you !