What would your ask be for the next Edge flagship?

I'm a real fan of Garmin and I really like the Edge 1050.  It's great to see the market leader innovating like this. 

Unfortunately, for me, it's a no sale due to the lack of buttons. I cycle through the British winter and a touch screen with thick gloves just doesn't work, whatever the marketing department tells you. That's also why I bought an 840 rather than the 1040. 

So here's my wish list for the next Garmin flagship. 

1. Buttons like the 840

2. An additional middle buton on the front for the bell 

3. Phone functionality, meaning I could leave my mobile at home and save c. 200g weight

4. A "be seen" light accessory (like the Raveman) that also functions as a battery pack

What would your wishes be? 

  • (1) QWERTY keyboard.  Do Garmin engineers all type on ABCDEF keyboards or something?  Why is this still a thing in 2024?

    (2) Odometer.  The Edge profiles have a mileage reading, but you can't set it to your current bike mileage.  Why can't I add as many odometers as I want as a data field to track chain and component wear?  Why can't I set my current bike mileage on the profile?

    (3) Don't force the user to manually clear Varia error 0:9 and error 0:FC by hand when vehicle lane assist interferes with the signal.  Is it a good idea for us to have to take our hands off the bars and physically touch the Garmin while we're riding in traffic.  NO IT'S NOT!  This has been going on for two years.

    (4) Native TyreWiz support (ConnectIQ is still a nightare, the ConnectIQ store doesn't even work on the 1050, and I literally have to type TyreWiz serial numbers BY HAND when I upgrade).

    (5) Don't corrupt fitness data when the Edge unit goes into sleep mode.  (A bug that has existed since the Edge 1030).

    (6) Don't delete ConnectIQ sensors and the Varia Radar sensor when trasferring devices.  This still doesn't work with the 1050.  I had to re-pair the Varia and re-type in the TyreWiz serial numbers by hand.

    (7) Don't release a new Edge unit with an empty ConnectIQ App Store.  This would be like Apple releasing an iPhone with an empty AppStore.

    (8) File system support for macOS.  They dropped support for copying new files on macOS with the 1050.  There's literally no way to connect to it other than using some $40 paid app.

  • File system support for macOS.  They dropped support for copying new files on macOS with the 1050.  There's literally no way to connect to it other than using some $40 paid app

    Would be nice but probably not happening. Commander One is $29.99 commander-one.com/purchase.html

  • I feel like I am the only person who uses the Garmin Remote. It's fantastic and I cannot imagine not having it. www.garmin.com/.../146078

    Unfortunately, for me, it's a no sale due to the lack of buttons. I cycle through the British winter and a touch screen with thick gloves just doesn't work, whatever the marketing department tells you. That's also why I bought an 840 rather than the 1040
  • (1)  Una pagina dei segmenti strava migliore  con il campo dati durante un segment live   " Estimated time"  come quello del whaoo.

  • Reducir el tamaño del dispositivo manteniendo el tamaño de la pantalla.

  • I use the remote on my long distance bike as well, necessary for rainy weather with screen-lock enabled and/or when riding with thick gloves in winter.
    Unfortunately it is quite limited with the setting options. Not possible (without workaround) to switch to first datapage, not possible to assign a different function to the lap button (which I never use and is therefore only a waste of space) and so on.....

    So the buttons of the 840 would be really a good idea. And it would mean you have to buy one thing less as accessory. For the price of the 1050 the additional buttons would have been not to much to ask for....

  • Android file transfer. it works and is free.

  • Not on the next one but on the firmware

    Climb pro is displayed on an ride without following a route, it would be interesting if the power guide was also triggered during a climb (edge know my ftp)

    An adjustable minimum and maximum lighting level (automatic and timed) would be a plus

    Being able to choose fewer training days, currently 5 (when you have a heavy job, a family 5 can be a lot) 4 would sometimes be interesting and would allow more people to use the function.

    The "base" outputs would probably be better if the target was the Fc, in this specific case the power does not seem relevant. A setting of type Fc / power / auto would be appreciable

  • As a Di2 user I use the shifter buttons for next/prev page and a few other functions.

  • You can already do that with Di2.