Issue following mountain bike course

I used my 1050 for the first time for navigation by saving a previous ride activity in Strava as a route.  This automatically imported the route as a course into Garmin Connect which was transferred to my 1050.  This route / course took me past the spot that I was to exit the trails to the parking lot twice before I was supposed to exit at the end of my ride.  While following the course, the navigation prompts were working great until the second time I passed the spot where I was to exit to the parking lot when I finished the course.  When I passed the exit the second time, the 1050 told me to do a u-turn and kept prompting me trying to navigate me to the parking lot where I parked. It did this for the entire rest of the ride until I reached the exit spot for the third time to actually exit.  At that point, the navigation prompts started to properly navigate me back to where I parked my truck.  

Has anyone else experienced this situation with navigation on these Edge bike computers?  Is there a setting or something I could change to have it continue to follow the course even though I ride past then end of the course?