Is it possible to set the mileage on a profile?

There's seems to be an odometer per profile now, but no way to set them.  Two of the most perplexing things about the Garmin Edge units is that there's no way keep track of mileage per bike.  It'd be insanely useful if we could just have custom odometers as data fields.  Maybe there's a Connect IQ app for this?  But why not build it into the profiles?

  • I think the message Garmin is trying to get across is to never upgrade your Edge because you won't be able to transfer your odometer data.

  • Why not implement programmable odometers per profile so we can track tire, bike, weekly, monthly, and yearly mileage?

  • Older Edge computers (up to the Edge 1000, I think) allowed you to set the distance in your history.  Try this:

    Create a new profile, copy your Road (or other) profile to it, and name it for your bike #1 (SuperSix or Colnago C64 for example).  Do it again for bike #2 (maybe that's a mtn bike or another road bike), etc.  The new profiles will start at zero km or miles.  Each profile will show up in your history  totals.  Remember to zero the totals for each bike on December 31.  You will have to keep year by year totals somewhere else (see below).

    I think this is the closest you can get to profile per bike.  You'll have to get into the habit of changing your profile whenever you change bikes, and never mess up!

    I keep my tire usage and weekly / monthly / yearly information in a spreadsheet, where I have to enter which bike, distance, time, ascent, power, heart rate, and body weight for each ride.  I also keep track of spending on maintenance and stuff like computers or other equipment.  It takes some time to set it up, but then it's easy to track important data.  The spreadsheets worked great before the first Garmin bike computer.

  • I only do road riding and track my road bike's mileage using the Gear tab on Garmin Connect:

    You can enable the option to automatically add to new activities by activity type (cycling, running, walking, etc) but not by activity profile. Since I only have Garmin Edge devices I believe all the activities recorded on an Edge is classified as cycling. At least I don't see a way to select the activity type on my Edge 1050 (and choose something other than cycling).

    I also track my chain, brake pads, rotors, tire, cassette mileage using the Gear feature on Garmin Connect

  • Not what we're asking for here.  I have my bike mileage and component data in Strava on the web app only already. What would be really good is if we had it on the Edge 1050.  Wouldn't be good if you had a countdown for Festive 500?  Or trying to meet a certainly monthly mileage goal?

  • My reply above was more in response to colin-campbell's reply right above it where he said he keeps track of his gear mileage using spreadsheets. I was just trying to be helpful that there is a way to do that using Garmin Connect, No need to use Strava or spreadsheets...

  • Goals can be set on the connect web site. They are not visible via the connect app.