Two system reboots on today's ride

Had my 1050 spontaneously reboot twice on my ride today.  First time when it was trying to recompute the route when it I went off course (bang, Garmin boot screen).  Recovered ride and could just press the start button to resume.  Second time was exactly the same as a 1040 (beta firmware) reboot I had on my previous ride, where I had manually rebooted the device mid-ride to reconnect some sensors. When I finished the ride, it briefly showed the summary page and then rebooted.  Ride saved with only the data up to the first reboot, except for the summary totals (distance, ascent, time, etc.).

The only ConnectIQ app I was running in common between the two devices was MyBikeRadar, which does write stuff to the .fit file on ride completion.  Issue there?  I've also taken a copy of the 1050's filesystem after the ride just in case there's some diagnostic stuff that could be interesting.

Running v9.11.  Do like the 1050 though!