Does anyone has the garmin edge 1050 fitten on a Tarmac SL7?
Does anyone has the garmin edge 1050 fitten on a Tarmac SL7?
The 1050 does NOT fit the S-Works SL7 with Specialized Areo Bar. It 'fits' if you force it, but that's not a long term solve. I was able to find a work around by unscrewing the bolt of the…
Hey, so I followed Joseba23's guidance and got my new Garmin 1050 on the 2 piece (stem and bars) Roval Rapide handlebars with the standard SL7 Barfly mount from Specialized. The 1050 has a generic rubber…
Hi, is still possible to press the buttons next to the steeam?
I'm on vacation until next week, as soon as I get home I'll post the photos.
A new mount has been released by, I have one on the way now for my S-Works Venge stem. Will post photos once received and fitted.
I also understand that K-Edge are also releasing one imminently.
Hard to tell from the images but doesn’t look like you can mount at light on the bottom?
It's detailed in the description, add-on bits are available, for example:
Have the new mount fitted now, with GoPro mount underneath:
Really nicely made, and easy enough to fit, photos to follow (can't seem to upload images at the moment).
Update - edited to add photo, Garmin have fixed the forum upload now...
K-Edge says: •Fits all Garmin computers, including Garmin 1050
Anybody has got any experience with these. K-Edge seems to be more accessible (here in Europe).
Thank you in advance!
Hey, so I followed Joseba23's guidance and got my new Garmin 1050 on the 2 piece (stem and bars) Roval Rapide handlebars with the standard SL7 Barfly mount from Specialized. The 1050 has a generic rubber case on it but it fits nicely.
It is a bit tight and the rubber case VERY VERY slightly rubs on the stem when putting it on but I'm not feeling any pressure on the 1050 mounts so it should be fine long term. And being so tight it's so Aero too! Lol
I managed to find some M3x100mm Button Head Socket Cap screws that I used to secure the Garmin insert that came with the new unit from below onto the Barfly adapter.
I did then have to modify the Go Pro adapter that goes underneath the Barfly to accommodate the new screws. It was pretty easy to just heat up an Allen key and melt away for some plastic notches or you can also use a sharp knife to take some of the non structural material away so that the M3 screws fit in nice and neat.
Some photos of the fit with a rubber case since people had asked. Also these are the type of screws I used (I'm Toronto, Canada and grabbed then from a place called Bolts Plus). M3x100mm Button Head Socket Cap screws
Happy Hacking!