Sensor connected notifications?

Posting this here to maybe the dev's see it. About 2:30 hours into my ride today I started getting random "XYZ connected" notifications cycle across the screen. Radar connected, speed sensor connected, HRM connected, di2 connected, light network formed, etc.

Never got any disconnect warnings, just "connected" notifications. Never lost any of my data on screen, or at least no date loss that I caught. 

Looking over the ride on Garmin Connect I don't see any major drops in the data.  But I did notice to very short HRM drops sub 15 seconds, only occurred 2 times.

Only my 3rd ride with the new unit. First 2 rides were sub 2 hour rides and had no issues. All sensors minus the di2 are Garmin if that helps any diag.

  • I had multiple sensor dropouts on my Garmin 1050 on my last ride. It was A1 got indoor training ride and my HR monitor (viiiiva) and trainer/power meter (Wahoo kickr 5) dropped out multiple times before reconnecting. My data on Garmin Connect shows the dropouts but my data on Rouvy never dropped out leading me to believe that is the Garmin unit itself that is the problem. 

    3 things to note:

    - I didn't get the dropouts on my first 2 exercise sessions with the unit. 

    - The unit has since done a software update

    - All my sensors were transferred from my old 1040. I deleted those sensors and reactivated then mud session to no avail. 

    This is very concerning on such an expensive unit.

  • I am also suddenly getting continuous señsor reconnected messages on my new Edge 1050, especially when climbing at lower speeds. The better speaker on the 1050 makes it more annoying because it is so loud. I saw a post of it happening to someone when they had bought a new 1030 years ago and a software update solved the issue.

  • I have a similar issue on 1050.  Constant sensor connect/disconnect messages, w loud tone.  This happens even when bike activity is paused (side note: why do I even care about the exact sensor connection status when im not riding....).  The alerts were blasting the coffee shop when I took a mid bike break the other day.  Because I couldn't get the 1050 to stop squaking, I shut down the device.  Since then I've turned off all alert tones across the board, because I couldn't find a setting to turn off the tone for just these types of notifications.... if someone has a solution, I'd love to hear it!