Protect your Edge

*Update - Garmin really went above & beyond to help me with a crash replacement option.  They really didn't have to do that, so I appreciate the support they've provided over the years.  It keeps me coming back


Just a friendly reminder / PSA - USE PROTECTION!  (or don't be clumsy like me).

The silicon covers are a great idea.  I've always had one on my 1000, 1030, 1040.  

I had my 1050 for just one day and completely destroyed it as I didn't have a sleeve on it yet.  I sat it on my car in the garage while moving some things, and it slid off.   By some ill-fated chance, It landed perfectly flat, glass side down on my concrete floor and shattered the entire screen.  There is no image at all when powering up, just beeps.  There is no explaining the sick feeling of despair I felt, not having even had it on the bike yet.  This is not a knock on the device at all - I've had the exact same thing happen to a brand new Android phone at the height of my pockets, falling perfectly flat, glass side down on a floor.  Since using silicon covers, no more broken phones.  The laws of physics just hate me.  

It is my fault, but Garmin Support was great to provide options to help ease the sting, kudos to them.  With the 1050 being back-ordered it will likely be some time before I can try paying for a crash replacement but luckily my 1040 hasn't been sold yet.  Depending on availability I may just opt for damage protection through my credit card.  The device is over the benefits  limit, but It would be about on par with a replacement.

I had intended to buy a silicon cover.  The 1040 cover DOES fit it quite well (not perfect), but I didn't have it on, as I was going to just order the proper cover.  Had it been on, it may have been saved.  

I have also always used glass screen protectors, however I was told on the phone with Garmin that this will void the warranty (I didn't realize this).  I thought I'd share this info as well. 

Try not to make an expensive mistake on day 1 like I did!  Image shared as I don't want to cry alone. 

  • Oh no!  Very sorry to hear this.  Yes, I use silicone cases on all of devices, Edge and phone.  The case isn't just to protect the device but also provides a grippy surface to grab on so you don't drop it.  The 1030 Plus I own is horrible to hold without a silicone cover.  I move my GPS across different bikes all of the time and I can't imagine not having a cover.  I hope you will get your replacement unit sooner than later.  Accidents happen and materials goods are replaceable.

  • Sorry to hear this. Garmin will replace it for about $150

  • I wonder what the issue is with a glass screen protector? I've had one on every Edge I have ever owned going back through most of the series. Also on my evolving Garmin watches.

  • I can only assume it would be in case of rare issues like improper size / installation, or maybe that it stops the silicon cover from providing as much of a spacing buffer if the device  lands  the way mine did.  I don't know if heat retention or static would be an issue.   I still think tempered glass is a good idea.  I've shattered one on my phone and the screen was fine.

    Liquid screen protectors on the other hand, I've heard are more prone to causing issues with phones in the way they coat the device and can seep into things. 

  • Actually the Garmin policy seems to say "[i[f damage occurs as a result of using a third-party anti-glare screen protector, the device will not be covered under Garmin's warranty."

    It says the damage must "be as a result" of the screen protector not just that the screen protector be present. It talks about damage to the screen being possible during install/removal and loss of touch sensitivity. I guess they reasonably don't want to be on the hook for such things..

    With any other company I might be worried they would use any excuse to get out of a warranty claim. But over many years, I have found Garmin support is so good that they often do replacements at no or little cost even long after the warranty expires or the damage is clearly from user error.

  • Dang... I thought this was Gorilla Glass.

  • On July 1, 2024, in California and Minnesota, "right to repair" laws covering consumer electronics took effect.  Companies must make available repair instructions, tools, and parts to repair businesses and consumers.  I'm not certain that bike computers are covered, but it's worth asking Garmin.

  • I'd do the $150 Garmin replace. At this point any replacement is going to be new or a return with essentially zero wear. Even if you could buy a new screen it would likely cost more than that. 

  • I fumbled my WAHOO Element Bolt while putting it into the mount.  It feel the 3' to the asphalt and shattered the glass.  So thinking about a new computer/GPS, but fear spending almost $800 on a bicycle computer and having it shatter as well.  So, I called Garmin to learn their policy on such events.  For $180, they will replace the unit in exchange for the old broken one.   So, I'm thinking of that $180 as an insurance policy for which pre-payment isn't required.  I can stomach $180 if I goof again.  
    The tech rep I talked to said that protective covers will help; not perfect, but will reduce the likelihood of user damage due to dropping the device.  

    By the way, a friend of mine bought a brand new Android.  He said, "Boy these things are slippery!"  It slipped out of his hands while taking it out of the box for the first time.  Yes, broken screen.  

  • I went ten years without buying cases for my Edge computers, but I have them on my 1040 and 1050 (and had one on my 1030 Plus). I haven't dropped an Edge yet, but I have dropped my iPone twice, and the case saved it from damage.

    I have been using the tether for several generations, and at least once, it saved me when I didn't get the Edge clipped in correctly.  A bump in the road shook it loose, but it was hanging by the tether when I stopped to re-mount it.