Who already has the E1050 and what are the impressions?

Users of the new E1050, share your impressions - is the new Edge a big qualitative leap compared to the previous E1040 model and is it worth investing a few hundred on new hardware after changes to the firmware (23/09Beta) and adding a few functionalities?

  • fljones3, I have tried using both the phone and the device settings, and neither works. It would seem to me that the "Phone" setting should be the way to do it, but others have suggested that switching to "Device" works for them. That seems counterintuitive to me, but regardless, neither setting works for me unfortunately. I can live with some of the other user interface issues I've discovered. I suppose those are just a matter of preference. But not being able to use my earbuds on a ride with the Edge 1050 will certainly be a deal breaker for me.

  • I bought the Edge 1050 and initially I was so excited. I have had the 830 and actually I own a 1040 which has worked great (despite it is slow when I finish an activity and other well known glitches with the gradient and not so bright screen) overall. 

    I have a Giant Propel SLR (high end bike) 2020 which has an aero handlebar. The 1050 didn't fit, the change done by Garmin relocating the mount just messed up the things for me. I gave it a chance anyways and I had to spent 50usd on a different after-market mount (The one that holds my 1040 is the Giant mount) Fouriers which in my humble opinion Garmin should expense that because they should adjust their products to the market standars and not us to Garmin products. I received my mount and it was able to fit the Edge 1050 barely. 

    My impressions? I did a 2hr zwift indoor ride and it sucked 10% of battery, I was not using demanding mode and just had my Hearth sensor and Power meter connected, other than that all was normal, not GPS, the brightness auto and I was indoors so the screen was not so shiny. I was clearly disappointed by the battery performance of such a expensive product which already forced me to spent 40usd extra for the mount. 

    Browsing the features, the OS is very good and I loved it, was so fluid, fast and smooth, the screen is awesome and colorful, the bell is another stupid extra that nobody need but everyone wants, so I was running around my house bothering my wife with my stupid garmin bell lol. Other than that...hmmm I didn't notice much difference, especially because 1040 will be updated soon (The Beta release already has the imrpovements) and will have much of the software improvements seen in 1050. So, trying to sell my 1040 for 400usd and spending 750usd + 40usd for the mount, close to 800usd that would be almost 400usd difference...does it worth the expense? Is this a big change from 1040 to 1050? No, it is not...I felt as if I had the Iphone 13 and just wanted to get the iphone 15, not big change right? 

    So, I ended returning the Edge 1050 and requested refund. I think that the main 3 things played the role to take that decision were: 1050 mount was relocated (I had to adapt my bike to the 1050 which is wrong because it already fits my 1040), second the Battery life, I understand that a great screen needs more energy but..come on, that a HUGE battery reduction and coming from a 1040 that last for almost 40 hours in demanding mode will be a big change, and third...other than the bell and OS everything was the same...the Data Screens and Navigation map, which is what I see pretty much all the time when I am riding looks the same as the 1040, and even the Varia alert sounds much leess noisy which I also didn't like.

    Conclusion: 1050 does not worth the expense if you already own a 1040 or 1030 or even a 830/840. I will wait for the 1060 and I really believe that my 1040 will last for other 2 years running smooth and in very good shape. I bought the 1040 when it was launched and it is like the Nokia 3310..indestructible, reliable and my old reliable device. 

  • Having never had a previous bike computer before, I don't really have anything to compare the 1050 to. I've heard the complaints about the battery life as compared to the 1040, and while valid concerns depending on the way you use it, the 1050 has plenty of battery for me. I would essentially charge it after every ride. I was going to buy the 1040 but waited for the 1050 because I heard the screen brightness was going to be much better, and I'm glad I waited for that. But yes, the trade-off between screen brightness and battery life is real. Based on what I know of the 1040, if I had one I would say this upgrade is only worth it for you if you can accept reduced battery life for the better screen. The bell on the 1050 isn't of much use to me because of where/how I ride.

    Of course, I am assuming the 1040 does not also have an issue with not being able to hear the sounds from the unit through your earbuds? If that is an issue across all Edge models then I would suggest a Garmin computer is not the right choice if you are a rider that uses earbuds. I am researching other computer now in case Garmin can't figure this out and I end up needing to return it.

  • Contrary to you, I love the 1050 so much that I already sold my 1040. I haven't used the 1050 indoors as I don't needed it because I ride indoors with Zwift. However, I have done about 400 miles already in two weeks outdoors with the 1050, 50 miles average per ride and only charged the 1050 twice. I charge the 1050 on Mondays and it last for the whole week of 200 miles or the equivalent of  20 hours and still I get about 15% battery left. I have mine set with brightness on AUTO. I have a Domane SL7 Gen 4 with Ultegra Di2, 4iii Power meter, Varia UT800 light, Varia RCT715 radar/camera/light, run MapDashBoardMS and Winflied apps and it is connected to my iPhone constantly over bluetooth with Garmin Connect. All those things connected and still I get more battery life than with my 1040 which I had to charge twice a week. So looks like experiences varies. 

  • After a week or so with the 1050, I think the battery life is better than the 1040solar IF you ran the 1040solar full backlight on

  • Just used it for the first time on a 100k ride so far so good  quite impressed I have had lots of Garmin's over the years. Same issue as with the beta software on the 1040 with hazard confirmation . It needs to be on the screen longer if the hazard is large you are too busy avoiding to press the confirmation .

  • I've seen hazard warnings pop up twice.  I haven't been able to verify a hazard either time, which doesn't prove much - maybe my inattention, maybe they've been fixed, or who knows.  As I recall, the warnings were issued a few hundred meters before the hazard, but in one case, as I got closer, the distance suddenly started growing (meaning the actual hazard may have been after a turn that I didn't take?).  I expect this feature will get better with time.

  • I have done a 9 hour ride today in Andorra with 51% battery left. Cadence an heartrate monitor on and screen on auto brightness. It was sunny the whole day so the screen was pretty much at max brightness the whole day. I could read the screen fine but it is not very bright in direct sunlight. Inside my house it is very bright and I would have thought it to be brighter outside. So I am very happy about the battery duration.

  • It's working flawlessly with Edge Remote control. You can set the programmable button to bell Bell