Who already has the E1050 and what are the impressions?

Users of the new E1050, share your impressions - is the new Edge a big qualitative leap compared to the previous E1040 model and is it worth investing a few hundred on new hardware after changes to the firmware (23/09Beta) and adding a few functionalities?

  • Thank you for that insight! Would you say that an upgrade from a 1030 Plus to a 1050 is worth it than (future proof) or should I go for a 1040 instead?

  • That is always the question. The 1050 is certainly more future proof as it comes with more memory (unless you are going for the solar version of the 1040) and has a more powerful CPU. I am a tech nerd and always looking to upgrade technology. But for me the 1050 performend overall not a bit better than my 1040. Yes, menus are a bit more sluggish than on the 1050 but far away from being a problem. The display on the 1050 is certainly much better. But again. There is nothing wrong (for me) with the Display of the 1040. Even in bright sunlight it is bright enough. Note that depending on your Garmin mount (integrated cockpit?) you may have to replace that as the 1050 may not fit. I was a bit disappointed that the thing got even bigger and heavier, not smaller (or at least same size).

  • I upgraded to 1050 from a 1040 Solar. Massive upgrade, as far as I am concerned. The UI is far snappier, both in terms of menus and while in an activity. The screen is also a significant improvement, as is the improved speaker. 

  • Well, I'm a tech nerd too in that way thats why I'm hesitating. I do see that there will be no updates anymore for my 1030Plus but still usable.

    The mount won't be an issue, but it's good that you mentioned it

  • The biggest reason that I returned my 1050 after a day was that my 1040 already got most of the new features that come with the 1050 (in the latest beta). Much more accurate display of the grading is only one thing. They also added the new Group ride feature, the (old) new Garmin share feature. 

    Oh one thing I basically cannot use in Germany is Garmin Pay (way too complicated to get this going). But that is also something you don't get on the 1040. But honestly. Where I ride I wouldn't miss it anyway.

  • Biggest features for me are the vastly improved speaker, as well as the new display and dual core processor. The device feels far snappier now. This was a major bug bear considering the price point. 

  • I just checked a couple of  youtube reviews and indeed, most software features will come to the x40 series as well... big plus. So the only difference between the 40 and the 50 is the bell (I do have a bell so for me that's more a gimmick) and the screen?

    What do you mean if you say that display is more accurate? more details?

    Garmin pay I have on my Epix Pro so that's also not an issue there

  • What do you mean if you say that display is more accurate? more details?

    Not the display but the reading of the gradient. On the 1040 it took a couple of 100m (or yards) to se the gradient change. You may were riding at 0% gradient but the Garmin still shows 7% (or vice versa). So there was quite some lagging behind. That was corrected on the 1050 and with the latest beta on the 1040 it is now also very accurate. 

    You get the 1040 in Germany for EUR 450. The cheapest 1050 I have seen was EUR 700. So the question is: is the new display, the speaker and a few other features worth 55% more money? I honestly believe that this not easy to answer. Honestly: if I came from a 1030plus I'd be reluctant to go for the 1040. I'd rather get the 1050. But I was not really impressed by the 1050 so I returned it. Still very happy with my 1040.

  • Oh ok I see! Big thanks again for your feedback!

    Well, it's still 300€ more for just a better screen and the bell (which for me is useless). As all other software updates and features are on the 1040 as well... still hesitating :-)

  • The map clarity because of the resolution is really good. But I think the lines of the streets could be thicker. Also small paths are now light brown making them nearly impossible to see. On the 1040 these were thin black lines. In my opinion the map is a bit better to read on the 1040.