Edge 1040 25.25 keeps trying to update GPS Firmware now no GPS signal. The GPS Version is 0.00. I've done hard reset multiple times with no success. The device keeps trying to update GPS Firmare.
Edge 1040 25.25 keeps trying to update GPS Firmware now no GPS signal. The GPS Version is 0.00. I've done hard reset multiple times with no success. The device keeps trying to update GPS Firmare.
Same Problem with my 1050 Updated to Beta 12.11 to escape the bootloop Problem, now the GPS Version is 0.00 and no Signal. I have no clue how to fix it, done several resets
3317893 Thanks for reaching out, can you confirm if you are still experiencing an issue with GPS firmware or 0.00 version numbers?
If an error persists, please try syncing your device with a computer and Garmin Express.
wolfgangS Please let me know if any errors have persisted on your Edge 1050. If syncing with the Garmin Connect app does not update GPS firmware automatically, a sync with a computer and Garmin Express may be required.
For immediate support, please reach out to the Garmin Support team for your region: https://support.garmin.com
Thanks for your reply. The Problem is solved. Because no workaround hellped. Garmin Germany has replaced the Edge 1050
Thank you for the update.
For any users experiencing similar behavior, GPS version 0.00 indicates part of a software bundle was not installed. This does not typically indicate a hardware problem and is expected to be resolved through troubleshooting.