1040 v 25.25 reboot during activity. The same thing happened on the previous firmware version 25.24
1040 v 25.25 reboot during activity. The same thing happened on the previous firmware version 25.24
I have experienced this three times now. I have checked all the troubleshooting suggestions around battery, etc even though I don't think this is a battery issue as my battery charge has been 50% or more on each occasion. Garmin Support: please provide some feedback and options around resolving this issue.
Hi, is it similar to that is being discussed in this other topic? https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-540-series/397706/edge-540---25-24---so-now-it-reboots-during-activity-and-loses-track/1882007#1882007
I had the same issue today during my ride. Haven't seen this happen before with 25.25 though.
This issue is continuing intermittantly and in different scenarios (random times) so I have not been able to pinpoint when this will occur. Nothing has been forthcoming from Garmin to resolve this issue. I have an (endurance) event coming up in March 2025 and I am very nervous this will happen during my ride. Please advise fix for this issue as soon as possible.