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My 1040 won't stay in Battery Saver mode

I have been mounting my Edge 1050 on the out front mount, and carrying my Edge 1040 in my pocket (I know it's crazy, but I paid for it and figure I ought to get some use out of it).

Anyway, I figured I might as well turn on Battery Saver mode since I don't look at the 1040 until after I finish my ride.  But I'm noticing that after I choose "Enable", the unit is almost never enabled after my ride.  Some days I for get to check the status until sometime during my ride, and I always find the status is "disabled".  Then I'll enable it, only to find it disabled after I finish my ride.

Dos anyone have an idea for how I can keep this feature turned on?

  • UPDATE: For my last two rides, I checked before starting, and the Edge 1040 was in Battery Saver mode, and after I finished, it was still there.  It seems as if the unit is testing me for a couple of weeks to see if I'm serious, and now it thinks I am!

  • With the 1050, if you set it to use battery saver, you'll be asked (Do you want to disable it?) every time you start it up from power off.

    (Even though I want to use the battery saver function, my request is ignored.)

    This is very annoying, so if you ignore it, the battery saver will be mercilessly disabled automatically.

    If you press the power button to wake up from sleep mode, you will be asked, and if you do not respond, the battery saver will be disabled, just like when starting up from power off.

    I don't have a 1040, but it seems to have the same specifications?

    It's terrible hardware, having to ask Garmin for permission every time you want to use battery saver.

  • I own a 1040 and each ride i need to enable battery save mode and after the unit went into deep sleep like 1day or two. It will come back to normal battery mode until i enable battery save mode again. Vs 1030 Plus that once you are in battery save mode its always in battery save mode until you disable it. But the bad thing about 1030 Plus is that battery save mode will turn off the screen after few minutes. I dont own a 1050 so i cannot made any comparison with the 1050.

  • I'll have to play with Battery Saver on the 1050, and see if it's different from what has been happening on the 1040.  The 1040 showed Battery Saver was enabled again today, by the way.

  • Wow! I enabled Battery Saver mode today on my 1050.  Before I had ridden 150 meters, the screen went black (like it used to do on the 1030 Plus, and like it DOESN'T do on the 1040).  I rode up to the signal above my house at 1.01km and stopped.  The screen came back on, as it used to on the 1030 Plus. This was slightly surprising, but was behavior I have seen before when using Battery Saver mode. I continued riding down a hill to a busy intersection, made a right turn, then I noticed that the screen was still at 1.01km and the same time it showed at the first signal light, with the large triangle showing.  I had to fiddle with the 1050 to get it working again, stopping the ride, then resuming it. Once it started showing the approximately correct  time and distance, I disabled Battery Saver mode for the rest of my ride.

    Maybe I'll try it again to see if this was an anomaly....

    The 1040 continues to stay in Battery Saver mode - it's been there for at least four days now.

  • It's a pain to have to set the battery saver every time you ride, right?

    I don't know why it's set like this.

    The original firmware for the 1050 battery saver turned off the screen, but the current firmware has been changed so that it doesn't turn off the screen and you can adjust the screen brightness. Apparently this reduces the power consumption of the display, and it was a feature request.

    I will correct the above.

    I used the 1050 for the first time in a while over the weekend, and when I selected the function to turn off the screen in battery saver, the screen turned off. I misunderstood. Sorry.

    (At that time, I found a workaround for the problem below. If you disable battery saver, it won't freeze.)

    I'm now using the 1030 (not Plus) because the 1050 screen started freezing in cold winter weather.

    (This issue is being investigated by Garmin Support)

    When you enable battery saver on the 1030, it will remain set until you disable it.

    The 1030 does not ask you to change the setting even if you press the power button when starting it from power off or from sleep mode. (changed from enabled to disabled)

    I hope Garmin goes back to this.