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Please bring back USB mass storage

Hey Garmin,

i headed towards garmin because of the possibility to do most of the tasks "offline" and of course the pretty good battery life. With the decision to switch to "mtp" it is no longer possible to transfer tracks "offline" via usb otg with my android mobile device. Garmin connect software is no option because it sucks hard on mobile data volume. I am making longer gravel tours in foreign countries and mobile data volume is some kind of "gold powder" that is needed for more valuable tasks than to serve garmin connects hunger for data (i made bad expierences last year were garmin connect used around 400MB of data during a few days). If someone has a solution to reduce garmin connects hunger for data please post here. Other question: Can i make a firmware rollback from 25.25? Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance

best regards


  • Please Garmin bring back USB mass storage for Mac users.  Thanks

  • Yes, please bring USB mass storage back.

    But not only for the Mac users among us. Also for the old school user who travels in remote areas (often without internet access) as I am, who use Windows and prefer to use Mapsource over Basecamp (far too heavy software package) and some of the very handy JaVaWa-applications.

    I will find my way out to work around the obstacles introduced by the transition to MTP, but why complicate things that worked fine?