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Cursor size on map

I've moved from Wahoo Elemnt 2. But I can't stop suffering from the navigation cursor size and track line. On a Wahoo device, it is clearly understandable at one glance where you are on display. But here on 1040 not, I literally can't find myself on the map. It would be helpful to change the icon size! Is it possible to change the system file or whatever?

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  • The cursor maybe small, but it is always in the same location on the map page.

  • With the greatest respect for , (who has contributed more here than most of us ever will),  the "always in the same place" cursor is a massive 2mm x 2.5mm, while it might be just visible under ideal conditions it is almost invisible at night, after too many hours / days on the bike, in rain... or if your eyes have seen too many kms.

    An increased cursor size has received the highest "up-vote" count in the 20.x, 21,x, 23,x, 24.x, 25.x beta forums (there was no 22.x)  including a massive 110 up-votes in the 24.x beta forum, the highest by over 5 times (110 cf previous highest of 20)  for any request since the 1040 was released.

    Every time it is mentioned a bigger cursor gets huge support but Garmin chooses to ignore the requests

    Noting that Garmin increased the size for the 1050 one can only assume we are being punished for not spending another $1,000 on a device with less than a third of the battery life, (I get 90-100 hours on my 1040). Increasing the size on the 1040 would have zero cost and zero risk, even just swapping the sizes of the graphics for the existing location cursor and the much loved (not) virtual partner (which is about twice the cursor size) would be acceptable, I can change to more visible colors via MapTheme. I would be happy to swap everything in the last 3 releases for a bigger cursor.


                1050                               1040               1040 "Classic" Maptheme         1040 Custom Maptheme