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1040 won't sync after 25.25

I'm really at my wits end with my new 1040 .

It's just 1 thing after another and I'm about to go elsewhere .

After the 25.25 update it won't sync .Tried all the removals of apps ,networks etc and still nothing .Seen a few others having the same issue with other models .Since purchase it's been a nightmare and I think 26.01 is in beta at the moment 

First it was Turning off on its own ,Reset to fix 

Next it kept showing up to start your activity like you were trying to ride a route even when sitting idle at home ,Reset to fix 

Refuses to soft Reset, holding the button for 10 seconds does nothing ,get the screen saying power off sleep etc then nothing else .

Next it would pause a ride then finish it when you stop at a junction or put it to sleep mode .There are more minor things that have happened but I'm simply fed up with it after 2 months owning iit it's been a terrible experience and I've wasted enough of my time with it ,

I understand that bugs etc happen but this is just too much for a high end device like this .

I've already ordered a different brand as I'm at the point where I refuse to use it now .

Apologies for the rant .

  • Try and disable Wifi. For me syncing works much more stable if I don't have Wifi enabled.

  • it just seems a defective unit, have you asked for warranty replacement?

  • Guys. Just connect device to PC and launch Express than update maps. After that unit will sync without problems.

  • After 3 hours,trying and trying and deleting 1040 in GC than adding again I uploaded the FIT-file to GC and the connection was there. Even in Strava.

    Tested now with 3 sec activity and synching went well...

    I will keep an eye on this.

    Thanks all!

  • Hello, thanks for reaching out.

    If the Edge is now syncing, my best guess is there were many files (updates, activities, etc.) to be synced and this took longer than usual. There could be many causes for a delayed sync and it is tough to say for certain.

    kept showing up to start your activity like you were trying to ride a route even when sitting idle at home

    This sounds like the default Edge timer prompt. While GPS is on or a speed sensor is connected, the Edge flashes a blue triangle when movement is detected, prompting you to press the physical start button -What Is the Blue Flashing Triangle on the Screen of My Garmin Edge?

    I cannot say why your Edge would not shut down when the power button is held for an extended time. The Edge can automatically "pause" activities, and it can automatically go to sleep (Using Auto Sleep) but ending a ride and "saving" an activity should always require a touch screen input (not automatic).

    I would suggest that you reach out to Garmin Support for your region to further troubleshoot this and other concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • I’ve found the power button unresponsive before and after this has happened a few times I’ve realised that it’s always when the syncing is still in progress and taking longer than normal.  I’ve found I just leave it now and after a while it’s ok again.  You can see the up/down arrows still on the screen when it’s doing this.

    Failing to sync has been an ongoing issue with edge devices. It started with my 1030 and has also on happened on the 1040.  No obvious reason.  I’ve found sometimes turning off both wifi and Bluetooth then just turn on Bluetooth works, but not always. Sometimes just fully turning the device off and back on again and it just works. Sometimes Bluetooth and wifi off and wifi back on.  The 1030 was becoming a real issue and one of the reasons why I got the 1040.  The 1040 has done it a few times but nowhere near as much. 

  • Same problem here, after updating to 25.25. Just can't stand it, this device isn't cheap and basic functions just don't work - like SYNCING! Every update more new bugs...

  • Stesso identico problema, il mio 1040 solar non si sincronizza, ci vogliono mille tentativi manuali e alla fine a caso funziona. Assolutamente deluso, dopo oltre 20 anni di dispositivi garmin di tutti i tipi, orologi, ciclocomputer ecc ecc mi vedo costretto a cambiare marchio! E non sono il solo, nel mio gruppo di ciclismo siamo tutti con lo stesso problema! Vergognoso

  • I also have been experiencing the same problem after the update.  The device will not sync unless plugged into computer.  I did update maps and clean out all old activities.  Last night not able to sync wireless and again this morning, plug into computer and it worked.  

  • Hello all and thank you for your participation here.

    Edge devices have multiple methods for syncing (Wi-Fi connection, Bluetooth connection to the Garmin Connect App, physical cable connection to a computer running Garmin Express).

    If the Edge device's manual "Wi-Fi Sync" option (Menu > Connected Features > Wi-Fi > Wi-Fi Sync) is selected after the Edge has already synced, a "sync failed" message will be displayed and this is normal operation.

    All users in this thread Edge devices have recently completed a successful sync via either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. If you are able to reproduce some specific syncing error please begin a new thread with as many details as possible.

    Otherwise, please refer to our wireless connection FAQs and reach out to Garmin Support for your region if an error persists:
    Garmin Connect App Bluetooth Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi on a Fitness Device