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Is it possible to ride against yourself

I have not been out for some time, but am about to get riding again, and was wondering if it is possible to load a previous ride, and see how you are currently doing on the map, similar to a group ride, but with your previous location showing on the map. I think this would be a great feature to offer incentive to challenge yourself.

  • This has been possible since Edge devices have been available.

    Go to “Search for a course” or “Navigation”-"Courses”
    press “+”
    Create a course “from an activity”.

    You will receive a course from a previously ridden activity and the virtual partner (gray triangle) will ride at the speed you were riding at the time.

  • Thanks, that is great.

    I have had an Edge for about 15 years, but have never ridden with navigation. Will use it on next ride

  • Btw: no need for turn by turn navigation. Simply load the course and disable turn guidance!

  • How do you disable the turn guidance? In general, how do you get the Garmin Edge (840 in my case) to just stay on the data screen you choose? Generally I love the way it rotates to climb page and navigation but when racing against myself I don't want it. Also, was there some other way to see how you're tracking to the course without creating a data page with the TIME AHEAD field? That's what I've done but feel like maybe I missed an easier way.

  • I have no 840, but here some hints:

    - disable turn guidance: search for the course on the screen where the stored courses are listed. Now press the context menu (3lines or dots on right upper corner?), disable turn guidance

    - auto rotate datapages can be disabled also: Profile - Datascreens - 3dot menu right upper corner: turn off auto scroll.

    - to show your position in comparison to the virtual partner (your previous ride): set the datafield „Time Ahead“ from the Timer section to your main screen. (Or watch the gray position triangle of virtual partner on map screen)