The following recommendations would greatly enhance the performance of workouts created in Training Peaks and executed on the Edge 1040:
- Replacement step descriptions (Hard, Easy…) entered in Training Peaks do not carry over to the Edge. For example I will use “Opener” as a description.
- The Edge always displays a range for power even when a single value target is specified. Therefore, the rider has to do the calculation in their head to determine the target value. For single targets the Edge should display just the target and do the range alert calculations in the background.
- When specifying to use the lap button to end a step in Training Peaks, The Edge counts time up from 0 instead of down from step time. In this situation the Edge should count time down as usual and if the specified lap time runs out it could display a +, -, or () to indicate time has been exceeded.
- Need to display which rep you are on in a multi-rep step.