Edge 1040 on bike fails as GPS

I have the Edge 1040 V24.19.  I built a simple course in Garmin Connect and it is present on the Edge. When I set it as the course to ride, the GPS functionality is sorely lacking.

About half the time it does tell me that a waypoint is upcoming and to make a left (or right, etc). Great. This is how I'd expect a GPS to work.

But also, quite often I get to a waypoint and it gets stuck at that point for a few minutes before it figures out that the next waypoint is upcoming. Shouldn't it be counting down in distance to the next waypoint?

Or sometimes I get to a waypoint and the Edge seems to have no clue about the next waypoint and it tries to route me back to the wpt I just passed.

So, if I didn't know where I was going already, the Edge would not help at all.

When I get home and end the ride, it does upload to Garmin Connect and the trail is exactly what I rode. It tracks my ride fine, it just can't help during the ride.

The only thing that is slightly different for me is that I live in a gated community. Perhaps the Edge GPS doesn't know the community? But many times, it does tell me the next waypoint is the name of the upcoming street. As a GPS the Edge is sorely lacking for me. At least I can use it for speed and the radar. That's about it.

I will create a course out in the "real" world and see if it works there. Or is the Edge not really known as a GPS?

  • That bug sometimes appears for some unlucky owners after firmware updates. I had this in one of the 20.?? versions. There are no clear solutions, you could wait to the next update and hope it goes away, try a factory reset or even a firmware downgrade. None of these optionsare great, I admit.

  • I live in a gated community

    The "Garmin" map is based on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) which is built & maintained by thousands of "contributors", anyone can become a contributor. If your area is new or has restricted access then the local streets might not be mapped correctly and this will effect the quality of the "navigation" and turn instructions. I assume you are using Turn Guidance on the 1040, this will re plan your route using the on device map which is only updated each year or so. It "should" be the same as the Garmin Connect planning map, if your streets are on GC planning map then they "should" also be on the 1040 map, checking with another planning site like RidewithGPS might confirm.

    As has been said above there can be temporary problems due to the device memory becoming full or system variables not being initialised / cleared after a lot of use especially if you only sleep the device between rides rather than power off. These sometimes requires a reset, it will recover most things from your most recent GCM sync but a few things especially CIQ fields and phone / wi-fi setting might require manual reentry

  • I always end my rides by hitting the Stop button, then the power off button.

    For my test ride, I used GC - it had all the roads. I'm not sure why it even needs the roads in a map anyway. If I get to a waypoint, shouldn't the GPS be smart enough to know that the next GPS is 1/4 mile to the right or whatever? It doesn't help me when I get to a waypoint and the GPS just sits there at 0 ft to destination while I pedal past  another 1/2 mile or so. I have used earlier GPS devices on bushwhacks in the woods with no roads and was able to get from waypoint to waypoint.

    I am going to contact Garmin. Something is not right. 

  • I'm not sure why it even needs the roads in a map anyway.

    The Edges started out so-long-ago to provide navigation for rides that you recorded.

    Basically, the devices (even now) create a route by walking the track and picking up the roads/paths the track appeared to follow. This is why the device needs roads/paths on a map to work. This "big white arrow" navigation is what Garmin calls "turn guidance".

    When you download a route, you are actually downloading a track. Ideally, this track would be traced along roads/paths using the same map as installed on the device (the on-device maps use Openstreetmap data). (The devices can tolerate some differences in maps; it just generally works better if the same map is being used.)

    The route files can contain things called "course points". Typically, these are turn instructions. These are separate from the "big white arrow" navigation. Notifications for course points pop-up when you get close to them. Course points were originally a way to provide turn instructions for devices that didn't have maps. They can be used for places that are not following roads on the map. I use them as a secondary form of turn instruction.

    Not sure what your issue is but the devices (none of them) are supposed to work the way you describe. It doesn't seem like it's a common problem. Sounds like something is "broken".

  • I am not sure that this would be related, but I _usually_ (often, almost evert time) got instructions from edge: "X road 50m" then it became "X road 0m"...

    ... and it stays on the screen for a minute or so, while I already passed several other turns on my track but I got zero warnings on that.

    It just warns me that "X road 0m" for minutes like it has nothing to do other useful tasks.

    It is very similar to pothole warnings, such as "pothole in -200m" so it shows the warning for a minute even after I passed that a long time ago