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Rerouting not working since 24.18

Ever since updating to 24.18 my 1040 does no longer reroute when leaving a course (synced from Komoot as always). It alway says "route calculating error". Anyone else have this problem?

This together with the removed possibility of pushing a new course to the device mid-ride (without an internet connection, just via Bluetooth!) is making me want to go back to some firmware where both worked flawlessly (probably 20.19).

  • I tested this today. The short answer (which may not be the one you want...) is that it's working normally for me, I'm afraid. I don't use Komoot, so it might be worth checking to see if you get different results when loading a route created in Connect. 

    I tested as follows:

    I created a 32km route in Connect, letting Connect decide on the best route and thereby guaranteeing that I would want to deviate from it, because it would be unusable. It was - despite supposedly being a road route it wanted to send me down an unsurfaced track for around 5km. I therefore made multiple deviations. The unit gave me the choice of pausing navigation or recalculating the route, as expected. I selected the latter, and it did so, though when navigating a pre-planned course the Edge simply gives the shortest route back to the original course, with no consideration of the best route to the destination. I suppose this is the way it should function. It meant that I repeatedly ignored its replanned route, though, and it didn't repeat the pause / recalculate option until after I had returned to the planned course (and then deviated again). Again, I can see the logic behind this. The only issue I found was that that the Edge did respond more slowly for a few seconds after recalculating - so screen changes were laggy, for example. 

    For my return journey, I let the Edge plan the route - so I was fully utilising it's navigation capabilities, rather than it's course-following function. I appreciate that this isn't the function you're having issues with. The Edge creates better routes than Connect (which seems crazy to me), and often selects the exact roads I would choose. It didn't for this route today (basically, it was suggesting a weird diversion to avoid a slightly busy route into a town, but then barging straight through the town itself - on much busier roads. I might well do the latter at quiet times, but I'd never bother with the former), so I again deviated twice. Each time, it rerouted instantly and logically, actually more usefully than when following the pre-planned course.