24.19 routing is broken - Saratoga, CA to Palo Alto, CA returns a 126 mi tour around the SF bay area?

I did several tests, created a reproduceable simple test that demonstrates a bug making navigation, routing on the 1040 unusable.

No word yet from Garmin, for a long time and repeated detailed reports.


  • I suspect that this is a map error where a section has been defined as one way or that bicycles are not allowed and will need a map update.

    Garmin should be releasing the 2024.20 map later this year so I would re-try it when that is available. 

  • it could be. doesnt affect edge 1000, though.

    it does route better in some combinations of settings, but the amount of alternate streets that would create a course under 20 miles is enormous, so a single road not connecting or marked one way can't explain it.

    indications are that high traffic and popularity handling are just wrong. not only their website routing can suffer of the same malady - where changing destination or starting point just a bit will make it keep on a road further down or make the 100 mile detour. so same road is routable for bikes.

    creating courses on the unit is something i rarely would do (but eould be useful if reliable), but the same faulty algorithms seem to command the realtime "off course" navigation, proposing way longer routes most of the times.  i tried to bring it to reason in many instances, where I knew the 2x longer route was nonsense, to no avail.

    I appreciate your comment, and a perfect map might be what garmin needs, but same openstreet cycle map works beautifully on ridewithgps, or even on edge 1000. 

    I wish Garmin stopped adding smokescreen new 'features' and took a look at what is broken here.

    I will retest this and a couple other test cases each new fw and map version.