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Notification sounds

There are so many different types of alerts or notifications (and it's getting more and more) and they should be distinguishable by the sound they make. Most important, I need a very alarming sound when going off-course. If I'm going downhill and miss a turn, I should hear more than a simple beep.

Best would be if Garmin provided a small library of sounds and the end user could configure one of them for a single type of notification (or even turn it off).

This could even be sold as a safety feature, as it would allow us to concentrate on the road rather than being distracted by the beeping.

  • And also need to remember which profile has sounds on and which off. For example if I am exercising on Tacx with headphones on, I dont need any sounds (and annoy my Partner), but on the streets I need them.

    It would be also a nice feature to adjust the volume of the sounds. On 1040 they are waaay too loud (and too often - thets true).

    Best case scenario would be to have additional sound / alert setup page, where you can choose from available chimes for each kind of alerts and  even turn them off and have only visual heads up.